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CeaMie Site ~ A Nearly Bare Cupboard


As you can see on this page and from the title...

there's not much here!

I'll try to make more changes after my finals!

I'm not advanced in HTML, but i'll make do as I learn. This page is just for my personal amusement and ranting... and for you guys to read about it. =D
If you are a stranger that just stumbled onto this website SOMEHOW (this site isn't even on search engines) I dunno what to say except, you've got the worst luck... there's nothing here! BUT...
Come again!
(The next time, that is... in a week or so... make that two weeks. I won't guarantee it!) I'll even have pictures! *gasp* (like that'll make a difference... wait, I want you guys coming back! Not repelling ya'll!)
Why don't I just get a Blog account as there are countless hosts... even on Angelfire? Uh... I don't feel like it. (If you didn't know, I'm quite lazy.) Maybe later.

Well, that's all so far! Bye bye!

June 24, 2003

What else is there? I guess if you have nothing else important to do...

My Imitation Blog.... iblog... hehe
Links - where you'll be headed very soon.