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What about the old website?

It's gone. Over with. Too late. And if you want the owl back, i'll put him on here. That is all.

Is there anything new here other than the look?

Yes. I have a forum and some video (located on the Extras page). Some of the information is different....Yep.

Latest news

    Here it is. The new site! It's finally done. I hope you guys like it. Let me know, K?
      One page you need to be sure and visit is the "extras" page! That's where the pictures, weblog, videos, etc., are. It's just a lot of stuff on one page.

Okay, well, that's all for now. I'll keep you updated with changes, news, etc. <3

How did you come to name the site Bent-Back Tulips for your forum?

Lyrics from the song "Glass Onion" by The Beatles. In the first verse:
"Looking through the bent-back tulips
To see how the other half live
Looking through a glass onion."

Simple as that.

Beautiful Things Happen

Beautiful Things



Beautiful Things Happen