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August 13th Ok updated today added gallery 8 with some very nice pictures in there also added the Tv Week logie movie to the downloads section, it aint very big so its worth the look, also added the link to the worlds best mag Big Hit, please click the link or better yet go out and buy the mag, has loads of info on all your favourite stars...Briskey
May 22nd Finally added Gallery 7 with a few logies pics and also added 2 wallpapers to the download section, and congrats to Tammin on getting ranked 10th in the FHM hottest 100 we all know she should of been number 1...Briskey
April 25th Well first off all id just like to say Congrats Tammin on your logie win..there will be many more to come im sure..and also ive got rid of the guestbook and added a Forum where you can leave messages and questions and also get answers but best of all you can chat......They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Lest We Forget...Briskey
April 18th Ok major update changed the layout of the site and also added gallery 6..ill be doin more updates in the next few days..mainly to the download section..and now im in the top 20 Home & Away sites so if you like this site plz suppport it by voting...Briskey