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Welcome to nowhere

9192003 2251. meh. just meh. things are meh. i havent seen any people really ina while. i dont really care though, because like yeh i guess i care because i dont know i like my people. as well as seeing them is fun and everything, but i guess i dont want to see them at the same time just because you know i really dont know why i wouldnt want to see them. im pretty sick of people being all look at me i have a good thing going, i deserve to live. while i sit there and be like umm, my feet hurt, wanna go out with me?voice oh wait, can i die now then? i just want a horny girl on my jock. oh dear no. i would die if i were like that. i just want a simple person that i can hold an intelligent conversation with without engaging in an argument. sometimes i just wish taht i could have an unconditional friend, but more than a friend. like you could tell them anything without there being a repercussion of some sort. however you spell it. but at the same time you have the physical attraction. it would be totally perfect. maybe im asking too much of myself to be able to even attract someone of the opposite sex withing the same species. after all, dogs do love me.
final thought:
Eli with the ladies-
Current status: they all still want me
9212003 2019.daagadhaa
9262003 2022. Ah the joys of _______
9302003 1028. I didnt go to school today, my back hurts really bad because we went to the skatepark yesterday and I fell from the 15foot quarter pipe. I guess today is KT's birthday, so happy birthday to her wherever she be. I'm sure Kelsey will have something to do with her today. Mmmmm, Kelsey, wait a minute... who said that?
Shy 'n' Sexy When it comes to sex appeal, you have it — and you know it. It's just that you hold it back until you're more secure with the person of your affections. Were you the kind of kid who was nervous about the first day of school even though you knew you were smart enough to compete? Let's face it, you probably know what you're great at, it's just getting over that initial bump of meeting someone new, getting used to them, and warming up to a situation that gives people the impression you might be a little more tame than others. But look out. Because when you reach your comfort level, you're in the zone. Your lovers are the lucky ones because they're the only people who really know what lies beneath your timid exterior. Sure you might shy away from steamy looks in public. But get you behind closed doors and you're ready to unleash your true sexual powers. You may be shy, but you know how to hook and reel 'em in.
Conscious self
Overall self
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INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Calm and pleasant face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 1% of the total population.
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The Big Five Personality Test
Extroverted|||||||||| 38%
Introverted |||||||||||||||| 62%
Friendly |||||||||||||| 54%
Aggressive |||||||||||| 46%
Orderly |||||||||| 40%
Disorderly |||||||||||||| 60%
Relaxed |||||||||| 40%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Practical |||||| 22%
Take Free Big 5 Personality Test

10623003 1304. Blahhhh
1062003 1601. noooobody is hooooooooome i am boredddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. somebody saaaaaaave meeeeeeeeee.
10162003 1959. Seems to me like I enjoy insulting other people all of a sudden. I really don't like it, but I guess I'm in a bitchy mood for some unknwown reason. I'm just disappointed overall with life. T'aint nothing to do. T'aint nobody to do. T'aint nowhere to go. Just of bunch of nothings for everything. Maybe the truth lies within the lies. Maybe the falseness lies withing evertyihgn. Maybe you should go fuck yourself KElsey.
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal. "And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
(Egyptian). The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire. His sign is the eclipsed sun. As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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Fight Club!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
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10162003 1342. Why oh why are we so in denial when we know we're not happy here? What's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD. Pffftr.
I'm in a down mode
sometimes just want to let go
sometimes i just do
I really need to let go of some things. I'm just fed up with my need to need. It's so petty.
10172003 2120. Whoops. Hehe. I was supposed to meet Kelsey at her school today with KT. But i couldnt get ahold of KT, so i uh just didnt go. Ifelt really really bad for Kelsey, because she missed her bus home, and had to call her mommy for a ride. I thought taht her first action would be to kill me at first sight, but maybe she'll jst break down and give me a big wet kiss instead. One can only hope. sigh
So anyways I've been sitting here in my basement all day doing nothing except for fantasizing about sezy girls. Not really, but i was being afraid of her beating the shit out of me while i struggle to keep myself from fighting back and keep gettting mauled by sezy girls.

The ULTIMATE personality test
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Interesting story Picture my friend Sam drew from the description of the criminal
You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.

What Kind of Smile are You?
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You're goin' down! FOR MURDER! Please rate if you liked! If you're a goth please visit and join
up cause it rules!

What Would You Go to Jail For? (Many outcomes)
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You have wonderful taste in movies, music, and so
on. I am just so proud of you,
it.....well.....I think I love you. (plz vote
4 quiz-bottom of pg.)

Do you have good taste?
brought to you by Quizilla
You represent... apathy.
You represent... apathy. You don't really show any emotion. You can be
considered cruel and cold, but you just don't
really care about anything. This is just the
way you are... you're quite a challenge to get
close to, and others may perceive you as

What feeling do you represent?
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Umm, you might consider suicide maybe a total of
about 10 times in your life. You think that
sometimes life can become too stressful and you
just wanna leave it all behind and die. But
don't worry. It will pass in time. I hope you
liked the quiz! Please Rate!!! `-)

Are you going to commit suicide? (PLEASE RATE) `-)
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Afiag is your Vampire name. Your name means that you are a Vampire who has many
friends, and few enemies. Other Vampires know
not to cross your vengefull path. To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,
go here:

What is your Vampire name?
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Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
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your asshole.

What swear word are you?
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You're a loser but not a big one! That's ok I still
like you!

Are you a loser?
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regular, plain old sex-- boring to some, yet you
seem to love it. hey, do whatever pleases you!
(and of course your significant other)

What type of SEX do You enjoy?
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regular, plain old sex-- boring to some, yet you
seem to love it. hey, do whatever pleases you!
(and of course your significant other)

What type of SEX do You enjoy?
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eating people

what's YOUR deepest secret?
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You have a dominant kiss- you take charge and make
sure your partner can feel it! Done artfully,
it can be very satisfactory if he/she is into
you playing the dominant role MEORW!

What kind of kiss are you?
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Season = Summer
You're Most Like The Season Summer ... Whoa.... Passionate eh ?? Typically you're a fiery,
zesty dominant person. As the hottest season,
you certainly ooze Sex appeal. You have
confidence which draws people to you, and you
have the makings of a good leader. However sometimes your exterior is stronger then
you are and so you scare people off before they
can get close. Well done... You're the most memorable of seasons

?? Which Season Are You ??
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Your serial killer name would be Diablo! You would
be a mastermind in what you do. You would come
up with perfect plans on how to do your bad
stuff, and send out your minions to do it for
you. That would prevent you from getting
caught, because for one reason, they would not
rat you out. Your real name might not be known
and you would be greatly wanted, because as
long as you're out on the hidden streets, there
will still be danger! You're the big guy/girl!

What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?
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It's Tricky
"It's Tricky" (by Run DMC) It's Tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that's
right on time It's's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky) It's Tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that's
right on time It's Tricky...Tr tr tr tricky (Tricky)

Which 80's Song Fits You?
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10192003 1710. The girl from Everwood is so hot. Reminiscent of that one girl. But yeah, AMy is easily the hottest TV teenage girl.
i dont know what day it is but its 912 at night. what the hell? why is everything so
10222003 2015. ok, as far as i know, it's all good between Kelsey and i. She never actually called me like she said she would, but you know, what ya goona do?
10232003 2212. Got new wood, yes I do
10262003 1922. Today Brandon and I went and hung out with James and went to Golden Gyros for the most amazing burger in the world.
10282003. Hehe whoops. This is going to sound really dorky, but I got an email from Yahoo saying that today was Kelsey Caitlin Hitchcock Moses' Anniversary. Meh it happens. I'm not going to dwell on it, I'm just going to change my calendar so it doesnt email me again, because thats just fucking dorky.

10302003 859. The Dream. I know it's just another bitchy bitch rant. Last night I had a dream about Kelsey and I, and I'm pretty sure KT was there too. Anyways, we were all sitting around. Then somehow it got to me and Kelsey doing the "show me yours and ill show you mine thing". So anyways, I was like show me your panties. And she took off her pants. Then somehow we ended up in a bed with blankets. Kelsey threw all of the blankets on the floor and straddled me. Then i was like "i can see your...uh.." and she was like "snatch?" and i could. i distinctly remember what it looked like. then i was like "yes". then she proceeded to remove the rest of her clothes. Then it gets weird, if that already hadnt been weird. We're starting to do stuff, then i all of a sudden walk from the bed and we amazingly appear in an aarcade, and i go and play some game for the rest of the dream. Then Kelsey comes up behind me and says, "you could have been the one, but now you lost it."
That's all I really remember, but it was the most distinct dream I have ever had. I remembered like everything about it even after I had woken up. But that was like 2 hours ago, and i forgot some of it while i was dwelling on it in my eli way. But yeah. that was the single weirdest dream ive ever had. i mean, ive had dreams with kelsey , but this one was like a sexual fantasy that i somehow walked away from. I mean, everybody has these sickminded dreams, but do they remember the details after waking up. It felt so real for like 5 minutes after i had woken up. It was like she was the one who wanted it, and i was the one who walked away. I guess it was like some sort of magical subconcious role reversal. I dont know, but i think the fact that she was like " i want somebody at school but shhh dont tell anyone" got this whole idea of jealousy into my head. then that spawned a whole new thing of me being her, and her being me. id ont know it doenst make sense. disregard the last 20 minutes of typing.
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