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Kurt Angle Statistics:    Win: 00  Lose: 00  Draw: 00   -   Role Play: #00

Kurt Angle's Achievements: Olympic Gold Medallist, WWF 2K3 Smackdown TV Champion, WWF 2K3 Smackdown X-Division Champion, Lead Team Angle, WWF 2K3 Samckdown Tag Team Champions.

Defeated: None... Yet.

Next Match: RAW | Kurt Angle Vs ??

{The Scene} The scene begins as we see Kurt Angle walking out of his locker room and down the hallways past the interview area where he hears Josh shout out his name for an interview.

{"The Annoying Reporter" Josh} Kurt, can i ask you a few questions?

{"The Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle} Of course but hurry up.

{"The Annoying Reporter" Josh} Now Kurt, ?

{"The Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle} .

{"The Annoying Reporter" Josh} Also Kurt, ?

{"The Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle} .

{"The Annoying Reporter" Josh} And Lastly, ?

{"The Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle} . Oh It's True, It's DAMN True!

{The Scene} Kurt Angle then leaves the interview area and heads down the hallways more and towards his lockler room. He enters his locker room to see Luther Reigns sitting on a chair He stands up to talk to Kurt.

{"The Henchman" Luther Reigns} Hey Kurt hows it going?

{"The Olympic Champion" Kurt Angle} Not bad Luther i just had a stupid interview with Josh. That guys such a wanker, but mostly im thinking about my match.

{"The Henchman" Luther Reigns} .

{"The Olympic Champion" Kurt Angle} .

{"The Henchman" Luther Reigns} .

{"The Olympic Champion" Kurt Angle} .

{"The Henchman" Luther Reigns} .

{"The Olympic Champion" Kurt Angle} .

{"The Henchman" Luther Reigns} .

{"The Olympic Champion" Kurt Angle} . Oh It's True!

{The Scene} Kurt Angle then leaves the locker room and heads back down the hallways towards the ring thinking hard about his match and thinking about what he is going to say about his oppoenent in the ring as the screen goes black and heads to a commercial.




WWE Smackdown!

Red Rooster


{The Scene} "Kurt Angle's music hits" as he appears at the top of the ramp. Kurt Angle looks over at the screaming fans as he walks down the ramp a little bit more. Kurt Angle then walks down the ramp and gets to the ring.

{The Scene} Kurt Angle climbs on the mat and enters the ring. Kurt Angle walks around in the ring looking at all the screaming fans.

{The Scene} Kurt Angle then walks over and requests the mic. Kurt Angle gets it and raises it to his mouth and begins to speak.

{"The American Hero" Kurt Angle} !

{The Scene} Kurt Angle drops the microphone and then he makes his way out of the ring. Kurt Angle gets out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp. Kurt Angle goes up the ramp and into the back of the arena. Kurt Angle walks backstage and down the hallways again towards his locker room.

{The Scene} Scene Ends!