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Amber's Characters. list


1.THis one was my poking fun!

Name:Tragina Pyrathium

Age:25 - 28

Race: Werewolf

Profession: Voodoo Milk Maid Scouting Specialty: Healer

Secondary: Magery

Skills: Healing Tracking Cooking

Hand-to-hand combat: Muay Thai kickboxing Boxing staffery

Mechanical Expert: Shot gun

Pilot: Bright red Moped

Magical Aptitude: Shifting eyes Changing eyes and hair color Shifting into wolf form

Advantages: Acute hearing Acute eyesight Left-handed

Disadvantages: Cute looking (ok…maybe just a bit egotistic lol!) Talks about milk all the time Intense mood swings

Spells: Block (only blocks fire and water spells), Confusion of moosie doom, Fire absorber, Fire,

Summons: Fire ball Fire fairy Water sprite Voodoo chicken

Gear: Refrigerated milk cooler (Healing milk. Pineapple milk, voodoo elixir ) Ammo Belt 5 ft. 2 in. diameter Redwood staff Sawed off shot gun Black oval onyx ring Long black leather trench coat Long, black, wide legged pants Black combat boots Black tight tank top

2.Physical Attributes:

Name: Jaffen Cora

Sex: Female

Age: 29

Height: 5’5

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Dyed Jet Black

Hair length: Short, Close to head, spiked

Build: Slender/ Average

Race: Werewolf

Abilities: Shifting

Heighten Senses:

  • smell
  • hearing


    Expertise: Literature Arts Shifting Camouflage

    Weapons: IMI Eagle 44m (Auto.) Bretta 19 9mm P 8 in. Blade Dagger

    quipment: Cut off camo. print shorts, knee length Combat boots Tight white shirt Holsters Dagger Sheath Black leather trench ¾ length Black Biker gloves 3 Extra clips for both pistols

  • 3.Name:Gavin Cooper Hayes (Gav)

    Age: 19

    Sex: Female

    Height: 5'3

    Hair Color: Auburn Brown

    Hair Length: Average length (shoulders)

    Eye Color: Copper

    Build: short/slender

    Race: Human

    Class: Thief

    Abilities: Throwing knives Camouflage Pit pocketing Lifting Thieving!!!!!

    Expertise: Thief Throwing

    Weapons: Dirk Dagger

    Equipment: Black jerkin Black leather pants Black Leather Boots Dagger Dirk Black wood walking staff Cloak of Shadows


    Name: Amber Jonas wolfgang


    Weight: 135

    Build: Slender

    Age: 27

    Hair: Black, with amber tips.

    Hair length: falls about to her middle of her back

    Eye color: Golden amber

    Skin tone: Pale Irish Tradition

    Other things: long bushy tail,with black fur what tips with aamber color.

    Abilities: Bow/Arrows Throwing First-Aid Shifting Swimming Cooking Writing/literate Elemenatl Summonting

  • Fire
  • Earth

    Disadvantages/ Advantages: Stubborn Gluttonous Over protective of her own food Knows what she wants to say Speaks her mind Acute hearing Acute sight

  • good aiming Endurance Stamina

    Gear: Black leather Jerken with gold trimming and laces Black, leather, studded, Bracers with a symbol embossed upon them; a Black, gray, and gold kilt Black ribbons for hair tying Black leather boots calf length Belt Personal kit

    Weapon/ armor: Long black hard wood bow Quiver of green fletch arrows Dirk with sensing aptitude. Glows a light purple when goblins, demons, orcs, ect. 2 throwing daggers cloak of protection Short sword of ancient elven magic runes on blade

  • 5.Name: Salin‘Dale

    Age: N/A

    Height: 5’9

    Weight: 145

    Build: Moderate

    Hair: Long, white, straight, hair

    Eye color: Crimson

    Skin color: Fair

    Race: Elf

    Abilities: Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis,Telepathy,Aquakinesis,Shadowkinesis,Sword fighting

    Advantages/disadvantages: Stealth, Hand eye coordination, Acute eyesight, Acute hearing, Agile, Energy sense, Too quite, Fury Hatred for Orcs

    Weapons: Solblade, Throwing Stars, One Elvin dagger Gear: Personal effects

  • Blade care kit
  • Rations
  • Lightweight rope Deep green Kurta, Black leather bracers, Silver Star pendant on a chain,Black pants, Knee high leather boots, Leather belt, Scabbard

  • 6.Name: Eve McNabb

    Sex: Female

    Age: 2456, in this form…in her full dragon form…since the beginning of time…

    Height: 4’11

    Weight: 98lbs.

    Hair: teal green, choppy cut, just below chin length. two small braids on each side of her head.

    Skin tone: Hazelnut tan

    Race: Dragon/human

    Eye color: Bright red

    Other Attributes: Small stumpy wings that hang about her shoulders. A small 2-½ ft. long tail.

    Pierces: ears twice on the left ear, trice on the right.

    Abilities: Being a smart ass Smoking a cigarette Telekinesis Energy conjuring

    Advantages/ Disadvantages: Connections with people, things (she could kill everyone!) Keeps quite when she needs to be Small in height Cocky Quick tempered

    Weapons: Small dagger Ronian, a scathe older than the dragon her self

    Gear: Small child blue Kurta Tan pants