

This is NO media joke or a governmental test, this is  a warning to protect your children, wives and husbands, families and all life. In case that this text considers oto as governmental testing, claim it wrong, its an earlier insight introsuggested by mind deseased persons, suffering satanism, the hardest mental disease that causes all others and all crime as well as war, corruption familiy failure and such. Please understand that this destroyes the vacuum of satanism and explains how it occurs and how to combat it, by explaining our soul and important human religions like budhism, christianity, hinduism and jewishh roots but this struggle unarmed with this text is also exlained in islam. Dark forces in all religions try to undermine the beauty of clean lovely thoughts towards each other and for one self, the cleansing aspect of true knowledge and meditation till the walls shake in colours of rainbows when we all come together to praise god, we all, all universes with all angels and enlightened ones like Jesus, Buddha, Moses or Ghandi, Paramahansa Yoganada or Sri Yukteswar, Freud, Jung, Fromm, and many more who gave you the power to understand the ways of our souls scientiffically. Gently all knowing people in media and politics (like shroeders music track with the coffin man, the undertaker around him who carry the nations into graves of swinger and nintendo to cloned beings without knowledge or power or any good what God gave us to become geniouses. Gods education is what we need, with paradise knowledge.

PsyAmbientRadio  Limbik Frequencies  Symphonic Classic 

Meditate Ohm Mani Padme Hum,Jod He Vau He, an own mantra with god or HOEA


The      Analysis
-Project time 29 years beginning with a sorrow thought about the victim being alive ,placed  in the aura of the victim from his birth on by the might of electromagnetic mind tuning.
A boundary breaking Photo Documentaries on
The background impulses of our societies, uncovered
Psychoanalysis on its Edge,
A further proof of Jung, Freud, Grof.
Satanism, what it really is, and how to easy Fight it.
A new eye on Political Science

For For Realistic Efficient Democracy, Justice Unity Peace Information Technology, Ecology & Religion

The following photo documentation on our psyche, the morphogenetic field, quantum physics in connection with  esoteric and political science is going to alter your perception on reality by connecting the human sciences to one picture.

This report is also send to the Club of Rome, the UNO, our Governments and the World Media. Its impact is basing on your intelligence and patience to understand the keys of power on this planet. Some of the world problems and their solutions leading us either into apocalyptic scenarios or a much better world where all is thriving with love, life and the freedom to self develop ones life and soul in a destiny together throughout this Universe are also later in the work. Knowing this and acting accordingly is going to free higher technology stages and spread wealth around the world. This is the background knowledge of our souls which create reality.    

The first picture shows a screen shot with John Goodman, in the back you can see morphogenetic faces and people, telepathy. The second picture is from the Anubis Project. Basically both alterations of the quantum field were made with our shakras, the one on the kitchen tiles was done by the devils angel Damabiah and the shakrik alteration of the victim by satanist reprogramming of archetypes, which again control the shakrik quantum field alteration.

1: Psychoanalysis & Education

2: Quantum Create Matter

3: The soul as a hard disc and Bio-computer

4: Magic

5: Negative Programs and their Impact on us all, but especially on the Governing bodies of the World

6: The souls Utility Programs and our Personal Firewall, how do we configure our Bionet operations best

7: How we create a democratic world government in Respect of all nations?

1: Psychoanalysis & Education - Some information on Freuds, Jungs, Fromms, Abraham & Seligmans, Alice Millers and other Psychoanalyzers of this century
a)First of all it needs to be said that the ASUS Laptop Schooler from frachet ciekg is the finest school tool, with Lerche Ciekg, Krishna Foundation Ciekg, Lerchenfeld Ciekg, Lichterfelde Ciekg as well as Frachet intergalactic Ciekg schooling. Id, Ego, Superego
Freud discovered those three main fractions of the human psyche.

a1 - ID - The unconscious source of impulses, the development of a baby not knowing that it is yet, in a phase of primary narcissism, the stage where the unconscious sets drive impulses to make the being understand itself. Whatever the baby is doing in this phase is a natural development and should never be punished to prevail any kind of mental disease. The baby needs to be nurtured as much as possible till it develops the next level, the Ego, the consciousness. If the child does not get enough attention and warmth, touches and understanding that the body and soul discovers itself, its own  character and talent sleeping in the genes, which only cross their parents, if the life is cold and lonely then the children become oral distortions feeling empty especially in the bodies openings which can become nymphomania. This means never orgasms again in its extreme, no ability to have relationships, tendencies to grey magical group sex which leads into soul loss, its like a energy hole ripping apart the morphogenetic soul imprint of our apearence on this field. Some loose their noses which grow, or look a little like animals and so on. Its the field of love, where all shifts and where people look at when they are in love, seeing their beloved ones in the trees or gras or wherever we look at.

Nymphomania is a mental disease    Orgy can be the result   It is a schemen a man made drive consisting out of soul energy peace's gone mad and parasite, in sex clubs the peace's of each other stick across the whole establishment and all over the city when they jump around from club to club. This hollows out the soul, it becomes driven from increasingly occurring parasites from others peoples souls in their aura and also in later stages within the body. These schemen contain the appropriate soul impulses to further exist from the energetic mistakes we  make, like the sins Buddha listed, as anger, hate, greed, fights and so on. These energetic disbalances also lead to a perfect environment for people using this mistake as a weapon to gain kundalini energy. Deeply disturbed controll freaks, hate us to gain our energy, throwing their soul away to make an energy transfer which we usually get when we meditate Ohm Mani Padme Hum with Rebirthing breathing methods. They loose their peaces like the feeling og a foot in their rituals, filled with hate, incredible pain, the master steals from his students and all from us all, they hate their lower re-incarnation levels and chop them even further apart till they die and become a worm or so. Accordingly to damabiahs testing phase of what the dark side has to offer to destroy galactic genecodes carried in our electromagnetic field of soul energy which then creates a plant or a dog or a human... we now shift out of it  to a golden age with new technology and a higher esoteric connection to the universe and beyond, to our souls connected to god the highest thought, either with us or under torture of self enslavement for some years, by stupedity and greed, uglyness and ignoarance, till a cosmic energy level creates the golden age as told in the vedian religion but also the bible..

a2 - EGO - This is our personality, if it is healthy it is multitalented, cross impact, or cybernetic  thinking, creative, pressure less beside to perform what it wants to in a none hierarchic order where the individual disciplines itself with love and intelligence understanding and strong willpower for all for free because he or she does anyhow only what they love to do (not playing computer games because we lost talent). This is the ideal. With the right school methods, no one controls the other, all co-operate as Freud. Jung and   Montessori found out with their school method where pupils learns 3 languages freely till they are six years old, all out of self controlled impulses, teachers are only helpers, they do not create the lessons, the children do as they like too individually.
    If on the other hand, the circumstances are chaining the mind, the person becomes less stable and productive in its extreme  turning to evil as satanism, as a revenge for the punished soul, not knowing idself because helpless parents where punishing their mistakes, creating all sorts of mental diseases when the soul was punished and cut away to hard for example because the baby shit  in its pants... People that hard crippled tend to surpress others and hold them back in developments a society of such people turns evil from narcissism and neurosis to necrohilia and psychosis. Repressing the ID creates a week EGO that is fighting itself, the ID was repressed by the following development level the SUPER EGO. The are trying to surpress and enslave the others too because they think that doing this increases their own personality. This is a constant weakening of the EGO by fighting ID and Superego while also rejecting (out of fear to recognize the forbidden talents and such) others that remind them that they are not alone. Hitler (Spelled on by satanist powers) or Stalin then out of their fear of their own persoanlity mistaking the rest for them killed millions because they thought that those thoughts and parts of my body and soul are not right... Freud discribes in more details the differences of mental diseases in the balance of the EGO, SUPEREGO and ID connections.

a3 - SUPER EGO - The superego is our conditioning, the information we are programmed with, the belief systems of the families and societies of the world or whatever material universal life system. If it is over amplified by treason on another soul, ripping of the child of self control, it weakens the Ego and forces it so deny the base impulses of the ID which has to set certain drives to certain points to develop the  unique soul that all of us have in the collective archetypal context. We are all thoughts in the universe, we all have also our soul citizens creating our behaviour or knowledge and that's the connection to Jungs discoveries which match modern morphogenetic field studies and electromagnetic impact on quantum structures. We all have those giant worlds or universes of our soul described by Jung, they create our apearance as being. We are all conected not only within in our archetypes says Jung but also in a higher context of a collective conciousness, an archetypical cosmic system.  With cells conected to souls which create a larger being.

b) Jung and his Psychology
First it has to be said that reading the summaries of psychoanalytical scientists are going to give you a much deeper impact on self control and the further understanding of our souls and their programs that create reality, with our hands, thoughts, vibes and so on.

b1 - Archetypes - These are as Hegel describes the beings within the being. These are the particles of our souls, in elemental size these beings have a electromagnetic pattern of 12 sentences, in form of all what we know, feeling, intuition, emotion, thinking. A human soul is consisting of hundreds of billions of such beings animals appropriately less. It depends how far this thought is. The whole idea of learning, teaching or advertisement is based on filling these little ones with information, they create parties and cities and individual structures of relating content. Math to Math and so on. When those fractions become majorities as in our societies, they rule the behaviour, thoughts and so on of the  being. Like in our society, so when all just feed from aggressive fiction they run amok because also their shakrik system corresponds negatively and becomes wholes and shadows filled with wrong impulses. Armin M's Aura must be full of holes like the one of the author of the text.

b2 - Impulses that influence the EGO further -The Ego is not only lead by its impulses set by the ID or the conditioning created by the society in the SUPEREGO, it also has as impulses those of thought, intuition, feeling and emotion. The Buddhist as the Psychoanalyst is leading to the middle of those influences, of body mind and such. Only then we can alter to higher states of consciousness, pain relief, or Extra Sensual Perceptions.

b3 - Jung discovered that we have certain amounts of soul energy with which we perform. It can be sexual, intellectual or used other, it depends where we put these energies. We have a certain amount of individual  energy that shifts if working correctly with our will, we also feed through our shakrik system with universal energies. Which is logical because we live in this universe and furthermore the field we are connected with and the flux of energies from the shakrik system can be photographed in full colour.

This discovery connects us to the use of our energies that also flow through our shakrik system. Most will have experienced the connection to parents or close friends, calling each other, all those thoughts or feelings flow through a certain bandwidth of quantum vibration in certain electromagnetic fields thus becoming matter. Our shakrik system also influences this field,  that is for example how the picture with the cylinder skull  man at the beginning of this report, occurred. Through miss guidance of the shakrik system by external infiltration of thought and other soul energies that have been projected within the victim by people that have had bad luck with our  unconscious and repressive system. The worst mental disease, causing all others. Satanism. A Buddhist monk or a hindu Guru, a shaman or a dervish, but also the satanist use their projection field consciously and are able to transfer data through it and alter their quantum field. More to this in further chapters. First we come back to psychoanalysis before we go deeper into the ESP section of this report with more pictures.  

Lets come back to Freud. It is essential to understand his dream .aparaille

 a4 -  The Dream Organism - This discovery of Freud was essential. It helps to uncover hidden truth in our dreams. Interesting is that Hollywood movies, which are very hazardous for our soul if build up with negative content, are having the same structure like dreams.
Dreams are essential to soothe past trauma and surpressed mental problems. These  subconscious fragments of our experiences fears and so on have a filter between our consciousness and the subconscious which enacts when we are awake. Once we sleep the filter opens to a certain level and lets information pass through, though only in a symbolic and camouflaged way. To do such the consciousness puts unfulfilled wishes of the day, so called day rests, into the subconscious together with unused information. This adds to what the body sends, like hunger, sexual desires, and other so called somatic (physical) impulses. All these elements go into the subconscious to relating themes. These subconscious parts then use the somatic impulses and day rests to sneak through the filter. This process is only able when the subconscious compresses long periods of experiences and so on into short movies, or symbols. The contain all the essential elements to make the human subconsciously work up inner problems. A monk meditating many hours a day sooner or later does not need to sleep anymore or rarely because meditation opens those filter circles and enables conscious dream work with the subconscious and even deeper morphogenetic fields carrying for example once past live information.
When you see hollywood movies you can see also the wishes, fears, technological designs like Star Track sex, and so on like in a dream. All is time compressed, symbolic and is filtered. Rarely you find real stories because the real ones that would be like an action movie are filtered, we watch dreams not reality. Basing once Knowledge on fiction and advertisement blocks, newspapers that have no  legal protection against harassment's of advertisement money  withdrawal of large conglomerates that fill half the papers ads because they want this and that released or not released. Often our politicians are heavily influenced by those papers. They do not think freely, reading only facts of all courses their are in books, they read the filtered cheesecake of information as lobbies, financed by citizens shopping behaviour and knowledge denial, which then complain about wrong politics and laws but rather use street fights instead of collecting millions of signatures to sue them out of products, offices and so on. Beside that refusing the wrong products is  also going to move the Rockefeller group from their dirty cash cows we create by buying them. The also offer a lot of other clean high tech (so called ECO or Alternative Technology) stuff which is not advertised though. To make it short Nelson is tired of being spelled by the foolish, greedy (in terms of spending their money not on making more money but on outdated products, that are often dangerous) and unknowing mass, misunderstanding their own mistakes putting them on him and other governmental bodies while buying the wrong products, consuming the wrong information not caring if there are more high tech, clean and comfortable products aside the advertised trash. Its also a test, do you get it or are you too stupid that paradise is around the corner. Reality is based on reality and not on fiction. Please send these organizations professional prayer, good ideas and intelligent product wishes so they are able to think aside their strange marketing contests that leave no space for imagination.

a5 The Oedipal phase, a certain development stage of the child leading to incest and child abuse when it is misunderstood. It is the phase where children look for sexual orientation after the genital phase where they  discover their sex. In this period of time children tend to rub their 7-10 year bodies against teachers, uncles, parents and so on. Seemingly searching for sex. This is the latest time to educate the child about how we humans reproduce, leading the child to its own age group where first sex experiments as Freud discovered are  often with the same sex. This is something the author can admit too, remembering himself with boys playing hore house. This case though needs to be closer analysed and further studies on this topic need to be researched because freud, in his importance, could have been victim of manipulated tests where children where programmed to do so, because in the case, the author and his friends were influenced by satanists, acting unseen over the Bionet also trying to create incestuous group sex with 7 and 8 year old children who's thought patterns have been manipulated by negative thought, or thought leading to an negative output as this black magical sex ritual which causes like in Armin Ms case Cannibalism which is also enacting on a program (Cannibali) put into the soul of the victim with impulses of intuition, thinking, feeling, emotion but also further influences that Jung and Freud did  not write about ESP and Action. so the author adds these two aspects to the graph you have seen above.
                                                                                            Angel Damabiah with the disease OTO attacking us to destroy all soul while in a trap caused by spelling books..

By refusing action and reaction to a minimum, Buddha was able to reduce his influences to 7 Paths. Once action is done we create positive or negative karma, we set impulses (writing and printing a book) which for example causes reaction (reading it) which again form impulses that again lead to action, causing impulses and so on,  that influence the Ego like also the senses, reaction and senses also influence the Ego a human without the ability to see has a different Ego also altering all other influence. All those paths inter correlate with each other. Disabilities as missing senses or physical problems like a missing arm, or missing extra senses as the regressive broad mass, create a total  different thought, intuition, action reaction and so on which again Influence our ego which expresses and thus also unfolds itself through action (see the development from Id to Ego) and reaction which are controlled by ESP, Senses and the other "demons" as the Buddhist call it. To be centred is the secret of enlightenment, the action of Buddha to refuse all samsara action, to create less negative reactions, but also avoid binding conditioning in  belief patterns, laming our shakras, thus projection of reality, and development when causing repression.
There is also positive conditioning, which is first of all rebirthing kundalini and then the best kindergarten education, using the fastest time of learning 1-6,  the Montessori Method, for self conditioning with facts and real toolz, instruments and so on out of free will. This is what Buddha also taught, only a free mind is productive and can enlighten easy, a mind based on reality, not babble. Back then Buddha was not able to proof that quantum, that create matter or energy, follow our mind which controls our shakrik system that can be tuned with meditation and the right food. Plants!