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Just Me....Stripped
Sunday, 8 August 2004
When one ex comes, the other usually follows...
Ok. I know I said I wasn't going to go out tonight, because last night was pretty rough and all. With me screaming at people and making random phone calls and annoying the hell out of people, I figured I needed to just sit home, sober, and think about my actions. However, opportunity to cause trouble arose, and, well, I take those opportunities whenever they come.

Cut to me making my appearance at the Orange Carnival. I know, I know. I always SWORE I'd never go back to another carnival again, because they give me bad memories. Tonight was not going to be any different, because most of the reasons that I have bad memories of carnivals in the first place were all there.

To make a long story short, I ended up seeing two old "friends" within like, two minutes of each other. One of them I haven't spoken to in like 2 years cuz well, we all know he takes it up the ass. Second one, just last night we were swearing at each other, drunk, on the telephone. However, we were able to put that aside today and I did give him a nice hug when I saw him. It's weird. Just this morning I wanted to have him killed. And to add to it, it was the first time I'd seen him in about 3 months.

After tonight, I'm REALLY never going to a carnival again. They really just suck. Real boring, too many weird people.

Tommorrow, I have to look forward to a nice trip to the beach with Annielou and probably some other people. And then, Paul comes back tommorrow night with the guys. Thank god he's not going away again after this. Well, either of us are, until know...

No one wants to talk about it. No one will even let me mention it. I guess I would rather not talk about it too, but its inevitable. In a month from now, I won't be in Hamden anymore.

Aghh. I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight.
xo Tara

Posted by ultra2/tdczpage at 12:44 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 8 August 2004 12:46 AM EDT
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