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SPSM Homepage

Key Elements to SPSM

SPSM, what exactly does it mean or stand for? First of all SPSM stands for Simple Pleasures for Simple Minds. Simple pleasures are exactly that. Simple. For example, watching a top spin for several minutes, more so than the average person would. Or maybe watching grass grow. Yes, yes I said watching grass grow. Now don't get me wrong we don't sit around watching plants grow... at least not most of the time. Take for instance that pic of the blue ball. One could be amazed by it for hours just looking at it. 1. Its blue 2. Its round. and on and on. Yet, even greater fun can be acheieved by playing with it. Ooh, even thinking about it gets me excited. What else could cause this. I will tell you: other simple things. Finding these things will make your life much happier if you are like us. Simple pleasures are pure greatness. And now to the other part, "simple minds". Now my simple minds we do not at all in the least bit mean stupid or dumb or retarded or mentally impaired in anyway, shape or form. Actually many of us are extremely intelligent. We spend much of our time thinking about enything and everything such as: I wonder what would happen if I kicked that support beam really hard or why do people do what they do. We philosophize.

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