The Sealing

The 7th and 14th chapters of Revelation predict the sealing and ultimate destiny of 144,000 servants of God.

I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God . . . Saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel (Rev. 7: 2-4).

A Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with Him an hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads . . . Being the firstfruits unto God and unto the Lamb (Rev. 14:1, 4).

The purpose of this article is to answer such questions as: What is the seal? Who does the sealing work? Who receives the seal? Where is the seal placed? Why are those who are sealed called the first fruits? Is the number 144,000 to be taken literally? Or is it symbolic of a much larger number?

What Is The Seal?

Following are some dictionary definitions of a seal.

A device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents.

A stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it).

Applied to the sealing work of Revelation 7, we would conclude that 144,000 “servants of God” will be regarded as living documents; and that they will receive a stamp of authentication that they are, indeed, His true and faithful servants. A document is something that usually imparts information to someone. The 144,000 sealed ones will demonstrate, in their lives, the truth and efficacy of God’s plan of salvation. They will bear His signature (seal) as a witness to His ownership of them. The testimony that they bear to the whole watching Universe as the stamp of the Creator’s authority. Of what does God’s signature, or seal, consist? We have the indisputable answer in the Word of God.

Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples (Isaiah 8:16).

From the above passage we clearly see that the “testimony,” or witness of God, is revealed in His law. Notice the term “seal the law.” Another way of expressing it would be to say: “signature the law among my disciple.” Obviously, then, we must be able to find God’s signature, or seal, in His Law. And so we can. Right in the center of God’s Law we find His very name, His signature, or seal, of authority. Reads the fourth commandment:

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work...For in six days the LORD made Heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: Wherefore the LORD blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it (Exodus20:8-11).

Exodus 15:3: …the LORD [Jehovah] is His name.

Note how God seals His people in the following text:

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and I will write them in their hearts; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people (Hebrews 8:10).

Thus, God can point to His sealed people before the on-looking universe,and declare:

Here is the patience of the saints: here are the that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

If we need any further assurance that the seal of God (identifying His true people) is inherent in Sabbath observance, we find it in this verse:

Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign [seal] between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you (Ex. 31:13).

Sealed In The Forehead

We have noted that the seal of God is placed in the foreheads of His people. This would indicate that it is embedded in the very minds of the saints. It has been shown that the seal is in the law of God, and specifically in the the Sabbath commandment.

We have also seen that

The 144,000 sealed saints will “serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind” (1 Chronicles 28:9). They are invited to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” (Matthew 22:37). The Bible tells the truth when it says: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee (Isaiah 26:3).

A Progressive Work

There is a view extant that the sealing work will all be done in the last moments of probationary time. Then the 144,000 will go out in the power of the Latter Rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit to call others out of the fallen Babylonian churches. There is an element of truth in the idea that there will be a final sealing of the saints; but it is undeniable that the sealing of 144,000 servants of God will take place over a period of time. Says John:

I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God (Rev. 7:2).

The sealing angel ascends from the East (or the sunrising). He proceeds from “sunrise” to “sunset” over all the earth. Just as the sun takes time to cross the sky, so will the sealing work take time to accomplish. As we shall see, the sunrising sealing work commenced in 1844 A. D. at the commencement of the three angels’ judgment hour messages with its progressive light on the cleansing of the sanctuary (see Rev. 14:7-12). The sunset (or close) of this work will occur at the close of earth’s salvation probationary time.

The sealing angel cries to the four angels standing at the four corners of the earth:

Saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads (Rev. 7:1)

This very fact is indicative of a progressive work. There is evidence from the Spirit of Prophecy that the sealing is progressive:

I saw that she [a woman who was sadly taken in death at a premature age] was sealed and would come up at the voice of God and stand upon the earth, and would be with the 144,000 (2 Selected Messages, p. 263).

This progressive sealing does not negate the truth that a special mark will be placed in the foreheads of the faithful saints immediately prior to the close of probation. This singular mark, or seal, will be visible only to the destroying angels who have the seven last plagues. During the time that the Israelites were in bondage to Egypt they were required to mark the doorways to their dwellings with blood if they were to escape the final plague of death visited upon the Egyptians. When the destroying angel saw this mark, he passed over this house, and the family lived (Exodus 12:7, 12, 13). In the final judgment of God as He pours out the seven last plagues, only those who have this special mark, or Sabbath Seal, on the doorway of their minds will escape eternal death. Of course, the blood on the door posts of the homes of the Israelites symbolized the blood of Christ; and no one will be able to keep the Commandments of God except through faith in the shed blood of Jesus on the Cross. The “commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Rev. 7:12) attests to the saving blood of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Timing Of The Sealing Work

We can trace the beginning of the work of sealing the 144,000 servants of God to 1844 by considering the context of Revelation chapter 7. The 5th chapter introduces the existence of a special book sealed with seven seals (verse 1). Chapter 6 relates the opening of the first six of these seals in succession. Each of these seals predicts significant events that would affect God’s Church in successive periods of Christian history. As we study this history, we are convinced that the events foretold in the first five of the seals have been fulfilled in the past. We are now living in the period of the 6th seal. At the opening of the 6th seal there is a great earthquake, followed by the darkening of the sun and moon, and the falling of the stars (verses 12-13). The earthquake, known as the great Lisbon earthquake, and which shook a major part of the world, took place on November 1, 1755. Then, on May 19, 1780, the sun and moon were abnormally blacked out for the greater part of the day. The falling of the stars occurred on November 13, 1833. The era of the 6th seal had well and truly begun. We are able to pinpoint the beginning of the sealing work during the 6th seal even further. Since the sealing involves the Law of God and the 7th day Sabbath, it must coincide with the preaching of the Sabbath message to the world. Such a message did not begin to go out until 1844 A. D.

Is The Seal Of God Exclusive To The 144,000?

Since the special sealing work of Revelation 7 began in 1844, does it mean that this group will be the only ones who will receive the Seal? Never! Every faithful redeemed saint of all time will have the seal of God. Why, then, a special sealing work from 1844 until the close of probation? The answer is simple yet profound. The Bible reveals that God works on the harvest principle. In earthly harvest times, when the first sheaves (firstfruits) of the crop have been reaped, and are seen to be ripe, it is an indication that it is time to gather in the great bulk of the harvest. The same is true of the spiritual harvest in the end of the world.. The 144,000 will be the firstfruits of the main harvest. When the 144,000 are seen to be ripe, or perfected, and are sealed, then it will be time for the general resurrection of all the saints of all time.

What must be the condition of the 44,000 firstfruits? They will be the only people who will ever have lived on this earth (since the entrance of sin) without a Mediator. They will have “kept the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” through the great Time of Trouble without having the safety net of mediation should they now fall into sin. They will thus prove the falsity of Satan’s accusation that God’s commandments cannot be perfectly obeyed in all circumstances. Having proved His point, God will now raise the dead in Christ. These will be caught up together with the living saints to meet Jesus in the air: and so will they ever be with the Lord to live eternally without a Mediator. Satan will be destroyed, and sin will not rise up a second time (Nahum 1:9).

Is The Number 144,000 Literal or Symbolic?

A major argument of those insisting on the 144,000 being a literal number (exactly 144,000 and not one more nor less) is Revelation 7:9:

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palms in their hands (Rev. 7:9).

These folk claim that 144,000 can indeed be numbered by men, whereas, for man to count the “great multitude” is impossible. The Bible itself disputes the notion that a “great mutitude” must greatly exceed 144,000. Turn to Luke 12:1:

In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trod one upon another, He began to say unto His disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees.

There would not have been more than 144,000 present on this occasion, and yet they are referred to as an “innumerable multitude.” The fact is that God can count heads even if they are in a crowd of billions, while it would be impossible for any human being to accurately count even 1,000 in a crowd. All that Revelation 7:9 is saying is that the 144,000 refers to a “great multitude” that is beyond the capacity of human beings to count successfully. Further, this strongly suggests that the 144,000 is not a symbolic number.

Ellen White also indicates that the number 144,000 is symbolic of “a great multitude.” She comments on verses 9 right through to verse 17, and attributes every verse to the 144,000. In fact, she makes the whole of chapter 7 relevant to the 144,000. Note the following:

Upon the crystal sea before the throne, that sea of glass…are gathered the company that have “gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name.” With the Lamb upon Mount Zion “having the harps of gold, they stand, THE HUNDRED AND FORTY AND FOUR THOUSAND that were redeemed from among men…These, having been translated from the earth, from among the living , are the ‘first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.’ Revelation 15:2, 3; 14:1-5. ‘these are they that came out of great tribulation;…therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in the temple.’ …Revelation 7:14-17.” (See Great Controversy pp. 648, 649).

Observe in the quotation above that Ellen White cites Revelation 7:14-17. Another statement from Ellen White links verses 14-17 with verse 9 and the “great multitude.”

“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the the throne ,and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hand; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb . . .These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb . . . therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in the temple . . . Revelation 7:9-17. (9 Testimonies, page 267, 268).

Observe how Ellen White applies every verse from verse 9 through to verse 17 to the 144,000. In yet another statement she says:

And as we were about to enter the holy temple, Jesus raised His lovely voice and said, “Only the 144,000 enter this place.” (Early Writings, page 19).

When we consider that Ellen White says that only the 144,000 can enter the temple and that these are comprised of those described in verses 9-17 of Revelation, we can conclude no other than that the 144,000 and the “great multitude” are identical.

Further evidence for the symbolic nature of the number 144,000 is clearly seen in the fact that the question is asked in Rev. 7:13: “What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they?” Verses 14 and 15 give the answer.”These are they which came out of great tribulation . . . And serve Him day and night in the temple. Those who are “clothed in white” are obviously the “great multitude”of verse 9. Those clothed in white are also the ones who “come out of great tribulation,” and enter into the temple. Therefore, we can only conclude that the 144,000 is equivalent to the great multitude.

That the number 144,000 symbolizes many more than a literal 144,000 seems indisputable from Ellen White’s references to the work of gathering in souls. In speaking of the Loud Cry of Revelation 18 she writes:

The work of this angel comes [the fourth angel of Revelation 18] in at the right time to join in the last great work of the third Angel’s message, as it swells to a loud cry. And the people of God are thus prepared to stand in the hour of temptation, which they are soon to meet. I saw a great light resting upon them, and they united to fearlessly proclaim the third angel’s message…Angels were sent to aid the mighty angel from heaven, and I heard voices which seemed to sound everywhere, “Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” (Ibid).

Note; the voices heard sounding everywhere belong to the 144,000. No one receives the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and gives the Loud Cry unless they have received the seal of God. We cannot escape the fact that these witnessing saints have been sealed along the way, since 1844, and are now sounding the message so that others may be sealed right before the close of probation. What effect will the Loud Cry have? Listen to these words:

The light that was shed upon the waiting ones penetrated everywhere. Some chose life and took their stand with those who were looking for their Lord and keeping all His commandments . . . precious ones were called out from the religious bodies. A compelling power moved the honest . . . Mighty miracles were wrought, the sick were healed, and signs and wonders followed the believers. God was in the work, and every saint, fearless of consequences, followed the convictions of his own conscience and united with those who were keeping all the commandments of God; and with power they sounded abroad the third message (Ibid, p. 278).

Members of the 144,000 are going out and drawing in others to also become members of the 144,000. Anyone who joins up with the saints at this time must be sealed, and thus a part of the 144,000. Will God then finish the work just as soon as He has a literal 144,000 sealed? What if more desire to come and be saved? Has God arbitrarily designed that not one more or less than 144,000 should be saved in the end time? Ellen White says that a thousand will be converted in one day (Colporteur Ministry, p. 151). She also says that thousands of children may be brought to Christ (Counsels to Teachers p. 172). Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the word of God (9 Testimonies, p. 126). These facts would see a literal 144,000 made up in less than 6 months. We cannot plead, as some do, that the numbers of saved, exceeding 144,000, will be laid to rest before the time of trouble; for they are mainly coming into the fold under the Latter Rain and Loud Cry. Is it feasible to think that God will place people to rest at this time, only to raise then up again in a very short time?

The statement is made by Ellen White (in the above quotation) that the 144,000 go out and bring multitudes out of Babylon under the power of the Latter Rain. It also says that these souls coming out of Babylon will unite with the 144,000. Of course this means that they inevitably become a part of the 144,000. This, in turn, indicates that the number 144,000 must be symbolic. If the number was literal, then the multitudes coming out from Babylon would swell the numbers of sealed ones far beyond 144,000, and the prophecy would be inaccurate. This fact puts paid to the theory propounded by some, that the 144,000, and those who later come out of Babylon, are two different groups: they are united in one group.

Further Evidence

The twelve tribes of Israel were scattered abroad even in James’ day (James 1:1)¾they were Christians. This symbolism must be also applied in Revelation 7. The sealing is of those faithful Christians who are “scattered abroad” in every nation of earth. The “great multitude” are said to be from every nation, kindred, tongue and people of earth, and that is precisely where the 144,000 sealed ones will come from. They are not exclusively those who are in the Seventh-day Adventist Church (as some are proclaiming). These Christians are living in spiritual Babylon. We need to understand that only 144,000 will be called out of Babylon and sealed: there will no be any other great multitude coming after the 144,000.

Those who claim that there will only be a literal 144,000 sealed sometimes the Ellen White statements:

The living saints, 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder (Life Sketches, p 65; Early Writings 15).

Before the throne are those who were once zealous in the cause of Satan, but who, plucked as brands from the burning, have followed their Saviour with deep, intense devotion. Next are those who perfected Christian characters in the midst of falsehood and infidelity, those who honoured the law of God when the Christian world declared it void, and the millions, of all ages, who were martyred for their faith. And BEYOND is the “great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues...before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands,” Revelation 7:9 (The Great Controversy, Page 665)

Do these statements demand the 144,000 to be an exact and literal number? If they do, Ellen White is made to contradict some of her other statements. In the Early Writings statement she simply refers to Revelation 7:4 as it is written, without any attempt at interpretation. John did the same when he said: “I heard the number of them which were sealed [144,000].” He did not interpret what he had heard. Later it was shown him what the number he had heard actually meant; he now saw the 144,000. And what he saw was a “great multitude.” Does the Great Controversy statement, regarding the order in which the saints were seen surrounding the throne, prove that the 144,000 were a separate group from the “great multitude” of Revelation 7:9?

This scene of those stationed around the throne takes place after the millennium, and after the New Jerusalem has settled on earth. Note that Jesus is seen sitting on a throne far above the city and all of these different groups are gathered around this throne. This is not to be their permanent position (see the ensuing pages of Great Controversy). They are in this order for the purpose of witnessing the final disposal of Satan and his armies. Nearest to the throne are those who were the most avid enemies of God. This would be made up of all those who have ever lived who have been converted from Satan worship to worship of the Creator; or who were vigorous atheists opposing Christianity. This group cannot include the 144,000.

What about the next closest group? Who is included? Those who have perfected their characters during apostasy in the Christian world when the law of God has been despised; and the millions of martyrs who have been put to death for their faith since the beginning of the world. Consider closely the association between those who have perfected characters and those who have been martyred in every age. It is obvious that the millions of martyrs slain since the foundation of the world are not the 144,000; not even those who will yet be martyred under the preaching of the 3rd angel’s message. Who are those who have perfected their characters in this group? Why would the 144,000 be included among the martyrs? I believe these refer to those who, like the Waldenses, perfected their characters under persecution from the Papacy during its 1260 year papal reign. This is the only way I can see that would harmonize certain Ellen White statements.

This leads to the conclusion that the 144,000 must belong with the outer group, the great multitude. But why are they there? Because that is where they belong! Once all of the harvest is in the garner, there is no distinction between any of the grain. The purpose of being firstfruits is no longer applicable.

Another objection to the symbolic interpretation has been expressed thus:

Throughout the prophetic works of Daniel and Revelation, up until the Millennium, over and over again literal numbers are associated with symbols (Remnant Herald).

The author of the above objection cites the 10 horns of Daniel 7. He notes that the “horns” are symbolic of kingdoms, but the number “10” is literal. The 10 horns refer to 10 literal divisions of the Roman Empire in Europe in the 5th century AD. He also mentions the 2,300 days prophecy of Daniel 8. The “days” are symbolic of “years,” but the 2,300 is literal. But a vital point is overlooked in this objection: What is literal in one case may be used symbolically in a later case. When the Roman Empire was divided into various nations of Europe there were literally 10 of them. How could that fact be expressed in any way other than literally? When we come to Revelation 13 we read of a “beast” with 7 heads and 10 horns arising from the sea (verse 1). Of course this is referring to the rise of the Papacy, and its subsequent work. The numbers 7 and 10 must still be taken literally here because the prophecy is revealing the past origin and development of the “beast” power. The same is true of Rev. 17:7. But when these numbers apply to prophecies concerning the spiritual world they become symbolic. Let us look at Revelation 17:16-18:

And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put it in their hearts to fulfil His will and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the EARTH.

The woman, the beast, the whore, the horns, the flesh, and the city are certainly all symbolic, but what of the number “10”? Is it literal? The answer is clearly No! This is not a time prophecy but a last day action and judgment prophecy. It is true that the number “10” harks back to the days when pagan Rome was divided into10 literal kingdoms; but Rome has now developed into what may be termed spiritual Rome (that is, papal Rome). The Roman Empire now extends to the ends of the earth and is not confined to Europe. Here, the 10 horns (kingdoms) encompass all the nations of the earth; and they give their power and strength to Roman Catholicism, which reigns over “the kings of the earth.” Thus, literal numbers become symbolic when circumstances require it. This is true of the numbers “12” and “144,000.” In the Old Testament there were literally 12 tribes of Israel. However, we cannot take the number “12” literally in Revelation 7:1-8. Israel now refers to the Church and there are not literally 12 tribes in the Church. Hence, we must regard the 144,000 as being symbolic.This does not mean that they cannot be called a remnant, in comparison to those who will be lost. It does not matter how many will be saved: they will be relatively few alongside the wicked.

Does The 144,000 Include Only Those Who Have Never Died?

Is it true, as some claim, that those who have died in the faith of the third angel’s message of Revelation 14:9-12 will not be numbered with the 144,000? Uriah Smith’s commentary on Daniel and Revelation is compelling. It was taken from a pamphlet written by Smith and called The 144,000. Unfortunately, since I first prepared this article, I have lost track of the pamphlet and cannot give the page number. If anyone knows where I can again obtain Smith’s pamphlet I will be most grateful.

And lastly do the 144,000 represent only those who have never passed through death? Not at all. The conditions of the prophecy make it necessary that many who are now in their graves should be included in the 144,000. The third message of Revelation 14 is the sealing message of Revelation 7, though in different chapters, and presented under different circumstances, they are not two messages, but one and the same thing. The third message will therefore result in fitting 144,000 for the coming of the Lord. This is called, in Revelation 7, sealing them with the seal of the living God in their foreheads. The seal of God being the Sabbath, the work brought to view is the message which involves the Sabbath reform movement of these days. Then all those who have a genuine religious experience terminating in this movement, must of course be included in the number of those who are sealed by the message. Their connection with the message results in their being sealed; and being sealed results in their salvation.

Now there are many who are in their graves, who will be saved, whose religious experience, from a state of sin to full acceptance with God, has been in connection with this message. They will be saved because of this experience. Are not such sealed by this message? Most assuredly. But the message seals only 144,000; therefore such must come up from their graves, and be counted among the 144,000.

It may be said that the time has not yet come when anyone is sealed; and the ones referred to are dead; and how can dead men be sealed? Let such ask themselves the question, How can dead men be saved? They can be sealed in the same way that Daniel, long dead, can stand, as he did stand, in his lot at the end of the 2300 days. The record of the sealing message goes upon the books above. Those whose experience has led them into that message have their names there. If they die in that message, when their names come up in the judgment, they are written among those sealed by the message. It can be no other way; for in that company their closing religious experience (and in many cases their only religious experience) found them, and this explains what the voice from heaven commanded John to write: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth (that is, from the beginning of the third message): Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” Though resting quietly in their graves, they are numbered at last among the 144,000 just the same as if they had lived all the years of their slumbering, and passed through all the toils and trials and conflicts which the living have to endure. This view gives to Rev. 14:13 its wonderful significance, of which it is entirely robbed by any other position. Those who deny that those who die under the third message can be numbered among the 144,000, fail to see the connection between that message and Rev. 7:1-8.

It is urged further, that the 144,000 must all be those who have never died, because they are “redeemed from the earth” and are “redeemed from among men.” But this is no objection, for these very expressions will apply to those who have died in the Lord under this message as well as those who never die. It will be asked how this can be; and the answer is that they come up in the special resurrection, embracing a limited number of both righteous and wicked, as mentioned in Dan. 12:2 and Rev. 1:7. Those who, in this resurrection, come up to everlasting life (though not then made immortal) are those who belong to the 144,000 because they have died in the message; and those who rise to shame and contempt are those who had a part in Christ’s crucifixion, and perhaps others in different ages, especially the last, who have shown pre-eminent activity in opposing the work of God. That such a resurrection, embracing these characters, will take place, the scriptures referred to plainly enough affirm; and the only point where the prophecies make a place for its occurrence is at the time mentioned in Rev. 16:17. This is at the beginning of the seventh plague, when the great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne utters the solemn words, “It is done!” This voice shakes both heaven and earth, but speaks deliverance to the people of God. Jer. 25:30; Joel 3:16; Heb. 12:26, 28. Of this time, “Great Controversy,” pages 636, 637, speaks very clearly, as follows: “That voice shakes the heavens and the earth: Graves are opened, and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. All who have died in the faith of the third angel’s message come forth from the tomb glorified, to hear God’s covenant of peace with those who have kept His law. ˜They also which pierced Him.” Those that mocked and derided Christ’s dying agonies, and the most violent opposers of His truth and His people, are raised to behold Him in His glory, and to see the honour placed upon the loyal and obedient.”

Who are those here referred to “who have kept His law”? Those, certainly who have been engaged in the Sabbath reform movement of these last days; and from this it appears that those who have died in this work are still regarded, in God’s sight, as an integral part of the living company; for when the covenant of peace is spoken to them, those of them who are then in their graves are raised up to hear it with the living. They are raised up glorified, and the living saints are then also glorified; but none of them are made immortal. This is shown by the following words from page 645 of the same book. Speaking of the moment when Christ appears, it says, “The living righteous are changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.” At the voice of God (referred to above) they (the living saints) were glorified; now they are made immortal, and with the risen saints are caught up to meet their Lord in the air.” But those who were raised at the voice of God to hear the covenant of peace with the living, were also glorified at that time (another point of identity), and of course are made immortal when the rest of the company are changed to that condition. Now look at these risen ones. They came up at the voice of God, quite a space of time before the Lord appears; they are raised to the plane of mortality only; they take their stand with the living saints, as part of them, and though glorified, not yet made immortal; they come up to the day of Christ’s appearing in the same condition as the saints who have never died, and then, with them, are made immortal, changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

Surely these are just as emphatically “redeemed from the earth,” and “redeemed from among men,” as those who do not go into the grave at all. In this connection the pioneers of the third angel’s message are deserving of a passing thought. Imagine such men as Elder James White, Elder J. N. Andrews, and Elder Joseph Bates, who led out in the beginning of this work, who identified themselves as fully as men could with this message, whose whole souls were absorbed in the grand thought of helping to call out a sufficient number to join them in the work to make up the privileged and happy company of 144,000, and who went down in death with their hearts and minds full of this blessed anticipation - imagine such men waking up after what will seem to them no longer time that the tick of a clock and finding that they have dropped out of their coveted position, and are no part of the 144,000! The idea is not supposable. If it is, then to die in this message, instead of being the blessing which the voice from heaven proclaimed it to be, is about the greatest calamity that can befall a believer. This is not possible.

It may be said that those who die in the message cannot be a part of the 144,000: this company come “out of great tribulation” (Rev. 7:14), which would not be true of those who sleep in the grave till six of the seven plagues are fulfilled. This conclusion should hardly be accepted without a little further consideration. Mark the situation. Raised at the beginning of the seventh plague, they pass through the whole period of that judgment, and witness all its accumulated calamities. From certain passages of scripture it is to be concluded that the plagues will cover the space of one year. This would give nearly two months after the seventh vial began to be poured out, before the end. But the plagues are CUMULATIVE. The first does not cease when the second begins; but the second adds its horrors to the first, the third adds to the others, and so on to the seventh. In the seventh is therefore found the climax of them all. And thus whatever degree of inconvenience and suffering falls to the lot of the saints on account of the plagues (and they will not be free from it though the plagues themselves do not touch them. (See “Great Controversy” page 629). Whatever sounds of anguish the others hear, and whatever sights of woe and desolation and despair the others see, those who are raised at the voice of God will hear and see and pass through, the same as those who have not been through death. The cumulative horrors of the seventh plague will overbalance all the others; and those who are delivered from it may be said to have come “out of great tribulation,” though having no experience with the other six.

The evidence seems clear and conclusive that the 144,000 are gathered from the last generation before Christ comes; that they are brought out by the third angel’s message; that even those of them who die in the message are blessed; being restored to the number by resurrection before Christ appears; and that all are crowned at last with the peculiar privilege of composing the cabinet of the King of kings and Lord of lords, to follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth (Rev. 14:4), joyful in His constant presence, and sustained by His unfailing grace. (Rev. 7:15, 17). [Uriah Smith, The 144,000].

Is this not conclusive evidence indeed? What point would there be in raising those who have died in the third angel’s message, to stand and hear the covenant of peace, spoken to the 144,000, if they are not to be a part of them? Why would they not be raised in the general resurrection? Is it feasible that they should have a special resurrection only to be ultimately consigned to a different group?

Consider again God’s work and purpose in preparing the 144,000.

That He might present it to Himself a glorious Church NOT HAVING SPOT, OR WRINKLE, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and WITHOUT BLEMISH (Eph. 5:27).

And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to Him [Jesus] that sat on the cloud, thrust in thy sickle, and reap; for it is time for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe, and He that sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped (Rev. 14:15, 16).

The sealing of the 144,000 is nearly over. When it is done, Jesus will raise up all those who have died in the faith of the 3rd angel’s message. They will pass through the great tribulation of accumulated plagues. Finally, Jesus will come in Person to resurrect the rest of the faithful dead. Let us pray that we will be among those sealed ones, and together with all true Christians, transported to Heaven and eternal life.

Robert Parker