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Consulting Engineers






Registration of Memberships


Most of the projects carried out in the above countries were for Government agencies and mostly financed by the following major multilateral funding agencies of which Renardet is a fully registered company :


*    International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

*    UN Development Programme

*    UN Industrial Development Organization

*    Food and Agriculture Organization

*    International Labour Organization

*    World Health Organization

*    Inter-American Development Bank

*    Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development

*    Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development

*     Asian Development Bank

*     African Development Bank

*     Development Bank of the Central African States

*     Development Bank of the West African States

*     Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

*     Islamic Development Bank

*     Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development


Renardet S.A. is also a member of :

*     Swiss Exporting Consultants

*     Societe Suisse des Ingenieurs et Architectes

*     International Road Federation





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