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todays news
a day in the life...
April 20, 2005
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: what the heck?
Topic: todays news
1.does ryan seacrest really deserve a star on the walk of fame? i mean come on he's been around for what 3 years?what does he even do anyways? he looks like a flaky skinned troll!! he used to be on star 987 with lisa fox and he harassed her so much and constantly put her down ,i was so glad when he moved to kiss fm ,i refuse to watch american idol becuase he is so annoying.Bring back dunkleman!!!
2. will you be watching the new " britney & kevin" show? i totally will not watch this crap, and im pretty sure 90% of you are with me!!!i just feel sorry for the baby!!!
3.pope benedict the 16th -or cardinal ratszinger was elected yesterday.they say he is a transitional pope ,does that mean we are going to be watching another funeral soon?

send all your news,gossip questions and comments and i will happily respond to each and every one

Posted by ultra2/jkitovar05 at 10:24 PM PDT
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