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Quote: (tumble) infact kill your poodle (jarinor) Nah i...
blade2k » news » Cortex
Newest Project

Final Fantasy: Soul Inevitable
Newest Review

Pump Up The Valuum
reviewed by Tumble_Weed
New Writings
- Custom Movement
- Double Attack Accessory Tutorial
- The Perverts Guidebook
- HTML Lesson 1
- White Wind Tutorial
- Steal Command Tutorial

New layout skins
posted on: Tuesday, August, 10th, 2004 at 11:23:13 am at The Arts
Don't like any of the layout skins we have here? Well why don't you make your own?

Now you can, with this handy skin template! Simply download this template, change all the pictures to a style of your liking (no X-rated material please) edit the css to change all the fonts and stuff, and then submit it to losl.

Of course, the skin will be reviewed by someone, and if deemed worthy, you will stand to gain 50 (that's right, fifty) tokens. 20 of which to buy the skin, and the remainder to do whatever you want with.

What are you waiting for? Get skinning!
edited by Ramza
Added a few new smilies today too. Woot! Go me!

Multiple Projects Support
posted on: Monday, August, 09th, 2004 at 10:45:53 pm at Game Creation
Thats right, you can now create multiple projects with the projects system. This is still very expiremnental so please post any and all bugs in the bugs forum. Also submit more stuff etc.

Thanks, and enjoy.

Pirated RMXP
posted on: Sunday, August, 08th, 2004 at 08:47:04 pm at Game Creation
Many of you have been planning to pirate RMXP when an english translation is available. I wouldn't get your hopes up. I have personally had some expirence with Pegasys's LEAP system (the protection on RMXP), and it is very difficult to get around.

If, I were you, I'd get it imported from now, and then you can use the English translation when it is available. Easy enough right? And it is possible to use the RGSS use english in the game, and Phylomorthis has all the menu(s) etc documented and there are plenty of sources for RGSS information.

Also, if all goes well, there will be google ads on the site. Hopefully we can use this money to buy a few copies of RMXP for the staff and maybe even a contest prize. Stay Tuned.

edited by losl
Just so were clear, as much as you don't want to hear it, I'm tell you to get it imported.

Also, we finally have some results on the website competion: We tied with Hypereed for best layout and dominiated in best community in content. r0x0r

edited by Ramza
I reviewed a game, but it only stayed on the "newest review" thing for like 3 hours, so you can see it here

Moderator Positions open.
posted on: Sunday, August, 08th, 2004 at 04:14:25 pm at Cortex
Have a look in the forums at forums that have no moderators. Then go here. I have taken it upon myself to hire some moderators for the forums... And if you used to be a mod, and you're not the mod of that forum anymore, nows a good time to speak up.
That's all. Until later :)

Winamp is Back
posted on: Friday, August, 06th, 2004 at 03:15:01 pm at Cortex
Thats right its back for a mere 10 tokens on the prize wall! What a steal, espically since you can customise your whats playing box a little bit more than before (what a rhyme).

In totatlly unreleated news, a contest is currently active. If you want to learn more you should check out this post: So Participate and earn some tokens and help the noobies.
edited by losl
What part of don't submit rips do you people not understand. I'll delete everything you submitted if just one thing is a rip.

About Submitting Resources
posted on: Wednesday, August, 04th, 2004 at 10:30:13 am at Game Creation
Okay so, alot of you have been submitting files for the site and I mean alot of you. Unfortunately most of it is shit and I have been approving it until now. Don't submit a resource unless:
a) You Made it, this means no rips, no getting a file thats already in the database and submitting it. If I have the slightest doubt in my mind that you didn't make it, its going in the trash bin.

b) It is not a Rip as I said in A, any half shit with a graphics program can make a rip so I am not going to give to tokens for rips.

c) No weak edits I don't want edits of other people's stuff (OR RTP) unless its such a good edit I can barely tell what its from.

If you don't get a message your file wasn't approved. If you want to make tokens consider writing a tutorial or something.

Oh and don't bother me on AIM if you: Want to be staff, Want me to make you a site, or are going to write anything (just submit it okay, I do pay attention to who submits stuff.)

-losl out