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The first pictures below might take a little while to load because they move. And they are pretty dumb too and from last year. So if you don't feel like waiting go exit the website, get up, and go make yourself a sandwhich, because thats what i do whenever i don't feel like doing something. And half the time i don't even eat the sandwhich, I just leave it there, or backhand it off the table with one foul swoop. Yes right on the floor. You heard me.

Some of the rest you might have seen because i had a couple on the last site, or the site i had before that site.And you might have to wait again. But this time the waiting pays off with an excellent picture of my dog, a pumpkin i carved from this past halloween, and like 2 other new ones. Acually i'm not even sure if some of these work, I just prewiewed it or whatever and some didn't pop up so i went back, didn't change or fix anything, but I typed this and i'm gonna hit save 2 seconds from now.

I don't know if i'm gonna ever update this or keep it in my info. Not that it matters, i don't even know what i'm doing, or care. I'm bored and on away message and its funny cause everyone thinks i'm away from my computer when i'm really sitting right here wasting my time and yours.