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Akashic Record Consultant
Friday, 25 June 2004
Akashic Record Consultations / Akashic Readings
WHAT ARE AKASHIC RECORDS? To explain this very simply, your akashic record is the energetic recording of your soul's journey since inception. It is everything about you, all around you, and within you. It is everything you are, have been, and will become. There is an incredible amount of information available in your records. As an experienced consultant/reader I am able to access the energy of your records through the use of a sacred prayer. The prayer creates a sacred space with a specific intent. Your name is also used to gain access to your individual akashic records. The information that is obtained is a direct result of the energy of your questions. HOW IS AN AKASHIC RECORD CONSULTATION DIFFERENT FROM A PSYCHIC READING? The spiritual component is what makes the Akashic reading different from the psychic. I am not saying that you need to be a spiritual person to receive the benefits of Akashic...and the benefits are many. What I am saying is that the readings are given by connecting with your spirit and the universal spirit. The information gathered from the Akashic is assumed to be more reliable and trustworthy because what is presented is intended to assist you in your path through life; to give you valuable wisdom and insight by looking at your life in a different light; to help your decision making...not to make the decision for you, but to help YOU make the best decision you can for all concerned; and to help you see and reach your highest potential in life. WHAT MIGHT ONE EXPECT DURING A TYPICAL AKASHIC SESSION? A typical Akashic Record Consultation would go something like this: We sit in comfortable chairs facing each other. I open your records through the prayer and my intention to receive the information for your highest good. You will be in the same energy as I. The clarity or healing will stay with you as is appropriate for your development at the time. Sometimes the sessions can be quite emotional, this is just one type of healing that may occur. Keep in mind that whatever needs healing/discussion will come out during a session, sometimes conversation leads to areas you had not given thought to before coming. Many times my clients come knowing they want to know something they just don't know exactly what that 'something' is. So part of the process if fine-tuning their questions until we get down to the true core of what it is you are seeking. This is the interactive part. A typical session can last from 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours. A session is about more than just receiving information. It is a healing process at the deepest level of your being. Working with my akashic records through self work and with other consultants has been a great tool for healing on all levels of my being...the physical, the mental, the emotional and the physical. SUBJECT AREAS FOR FORMULATING QUESTIONS Your experience with the Akashic Records will be uniquely your own. Address the areas you are interested in during your consultation, you may come with a list of questions. There is an art form to asking good, fruitful questions. Avoid questions that would require a yes/no answer as these will not be answered. Consider using the list below to formulate questions knowing that your questions will be refined as you go through the process. I recommend avoiding questions about predicting the future and stick with the NOW. Here is the list of areas you may want to consider during an Akashic Record Consultation: Spiritual Growth Interaction with friends and family Repeating patterns and behaviors Influences from past lives As your consultation continues, areas of consideration will come into your heart. Be open to them and aware of them. Be ready to receive healing and information that may transform your life. AKASHIC RECORD CONSULTATIONS If you would like to set up a consultation please e-mail "" and I will contact you with specifics. COST OF A SESSION $25 for 1/2 hr. session $50 for 1 hr. session $70 for 1 1/2 hr. session (best value w/most info)

Posted by ultra2/akashicrecordreader at 1:53 PM CDT
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