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An Internet Prayer


I thank you O Lord and I praise you

For all of the blessings of my life.

I thank you also for the gift of knowledge

Bestowed upon humans which has brought to

Birth the technology which I now enjoy.

As these streams of binary codes travel

Around our world, allowing us to communicate

With any of your children in an instant,

I am reminded of how much can be accomplished

With the knowledge we have been given.

May I cherish this time, recognizing that it

Is time borrowed from family relationships,

Restful sleep, or ministry to others.

May I use this time in a way that brings glory

To you, O God and draws others nearer to you.

May I always remember to bring peace and

Joy to those with whom I communicate;

To spread truth and build trust among

Those I touch through this medium.

Lord, of creation, of all that lives,

May all glory be given to you

And all things praise your name.



- Copyright 1997, Joe Wickless


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