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Meditation of Archbishop Desmond Tutu


Lord, how can I serve you without hands?  How can I walk in your ways without feet? I was collecting firewood when I lost my hands. I was leading my goats to the river when I lost my feet.

I have a head, but my mind doesn’t understand why there are mines in the fields or why there’s a trip wire on the dusty road to the market.  My heart is filled to the brim with sadness.  I want to share your suffering, but I cannot; it is too deep.  You plead with me but I cannot return your look.  Manufacturing weapons gives my son a job, and my taxes pay to build “smart” bombs.  I did not protest when soldiers planted fearful machines in the earth, which terrorize old people and anxious mothers, and which fill the hearts of our young people with hate.

Lord, we are all accomplices in these war crimes which seek power at any price.  But the price is too high for humanity to bear.

Teach us to serve you without weapons.



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