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Andrew's Ultra Webpage


WORLD - "Haitian government is asking for world support to rid their country of the evil uprising of gorilla armies, they need help and we have soldiers who peacekeep, send them there and don't think twice for the good of humanity."
POLITICS - "Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin is under the spotlight as Canada focuses it's eyes and ears on the outcome of the massive investigation into the current scandle thats unravelling slowly from Ottawa. This obviously has a tremendous impact of the image of the Liberals in the race for top spot, however now more than even Mr. Martin must step up and tell us all what really happened and if he too was implicated in this illegal and immoral issue we are all now facing. Did he know as Finance Minister? Did he?"
SPORTS - "The Toronto Maple Leafs shut out the New Jersey Devils Saturday night as Eddie Belfour makes his first appearence back and shows he's still on top of his game. With lingering back problems Belfour has been battling for years he still feels he's ok, and I think his strength and ability to battle through the pain are honourable to say the least. Go Get' em Leafs!
"FOOTBALL - Patriots win the Super Bowl again! (Yawn) No, they deserved it, but so did Green Bay and Minnesota. Vikings will get it next year I can feel it.. "
COMEDY - "Why did Janet Jackson pull a stunt like that at the Superbowl? (Answer is at the bottom of the page)"
HEALTH - "My Child weights 200 pounds and she's 8!" What do you think about obesity in small children, and are the parents to blame? Should society turn a blind eye to this emence health empidemic?"
LIFESTYLES - "No smoking in all major cities in Ontario. Take Your butt outside I guess. Kicking the habit is more popular now than 15 years ago when it was really cool to smoke. Good job Canada, Good Job. Now if you can do something about obescity
PETS - Send in a picture of your favorite four legged friend and his/her picture could land on the front page-be sure to include name and species.

PET OF THE WEEK- Ginger-American Cocker Spanial

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