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Magical World of Uni's FAQ

World & Realm FAQ

Nobody is answering my neomail and it is important!
Can you explain about the points?
What is 'spam'?
What is a post?
How do I get my rank upgraded?
Why do different realms have different jobs?
What do I do if I think that the coins given out for a
job are unfair?
Can I have a newbie pack?
If I don't like the realm I'm in can I switch?
What is the Membership Refferal Program?
What are warnings?
What is the neopoint plan?
Why am I not on the guild/realm members page?
Q. Nobody is answering my neomail and it is important.

A. If it is something THAT important then, you could contact one of the other council members or leave a message on the message board (which is checked daily).

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Q. Can you explain the point system?

A. We have 4 different kind of coins that you are able to earn for different guild activities.

Gold coin=100nps

You can spend your coins in the special guild shop that is just for spending your coins.

As an example: Say you would like a faerie, well a faerie cost 3000nps that would =30gold or the equivalent in the lesser coins.

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Q. What is spam?

A. SPAM stands for Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. If you want a clearer definition, the following things are considered Spam:
Q. What is a post?

A. A post is a message on the Message Board.

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Q. How do I get my rank upgraded?

A. If there is an opening in your realm or an guild council position that is open you will be able to apply for these positions. for the guild position it very important that you understand that there are some qualifying facts:
Q. Why do different Realms have different jobs?
A. Each Realm has a different shop. Each shop host a different type of item. The main jobs that will be posted will be to help the leaders restock the shops.
For example: The Forest Realm is going to stock forest items. (i.e., Illusion's Leaf Shield, and Forest Grub Baby Food)

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Q. Can I have a newbie pack?

A. Everyone will get a newbie pack after they have been with the guild for a month. When you have been with the guild for a month, please neomail Purplbrie or Rapidash and we will get your pack for you..

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Q. If I don't like the realm I'm in can I switch?

A.yes. we will allow you to change one time so make sure if you decide that you have to change realms that the one you pick you are going to be happy. With the exception of transferring to a new realm when it opens. We will allow some many of the guild members to switch to the new Realm.

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Q. What do I do if I think that the coins given out for a job are unfair?

A.Nothing ~manical laughter~ Sorry that was Haze, out Shadow Realm Mascot. He loves to cause trouble, in fact that is all he does.~shrugs~ If you think that points given out are unfair, please neomail you Realm leader. If they do nothing to help, or after they talk to you about how they came up with the coins, please (then and only then) Neomail Rapidash000 or Purplbrie.

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Q. What is the Membership Refferal Program?

A.This is a program to reward those who refer members to our guild.
  • Each member refferal will get you 1 bronze coin
  • For every member that is active for at least a month, they will get you 1 gold coin.

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    Q. What are warnings?

    A.Warnings are reprimands you will get for breaking one of the rules.
  • First warning-neomail
  • Second warning- banned from all contest for a month.
  • Third warning-banned from the guild. (They have to be severe/or repeat warnings for this to happen)

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  • Q. What is the Neopoint Plan?

    A.This is a plan to earn you 25,000 NP a day. They do take work to earn them, so please don't think ~wow, I am going to get the plan and they will just appear in my account~.
  • To get the plan you must neomail Rapidash000 or BsAngel4ever.
  • You can receive the plan when you have earned 30 gold, and 1 silver/2 bronze/10 copper coins.

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    Q. Why am I not on the guild/realm membership bored?

    A.This is either an oversight, or we haven't updated it yet. You can do either:
  • Neomail the realm leader, saying "Hey, what going on, you slacking off on me here?" (Please only do this if it has been up dated since you joined)
  • Or email Rapidash000 or Purplbrie, saying "I know all omnipotent and all knowing realm leaders that you work hard to make the guild stay alive, and you have probably just over looked me, but can you please add me to the guild member list...Please?"(again, please only do this if it has been up dated since you joined)

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