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A Legacy of Dorkness

Oct 21st, 2003

Behold! The very beginning of my awful psuedo-blog. I already have two other blogs, one on CrazyLife and a LiveJournal. Why do I need yet another one? Not exactly sure. Let's get on with the wee bit of news I have to offer.

Dad finally got the pistons in the jag to move. They were pathetic and immobile before. ^-^ We had to rent a tool you'd usually use on construction equipment.A little odd, that.

Hopefully I can get my driver's license this week. *sigh* Trying to operate in this town with nothing but a bicycle is difficult at best. My legs have become rather well-muscled, though. O_o

Oh, right! I remember why I decided to do a blog here. So I won't suck so much at HTML anymore. A sort of training course I'm enforcing upon myself.

Haven't been called back by the toy store yet. I gave those people my application three days ago and they haven't even called to say I didn't get the job.

Today's bad oekaki/Adobe picture is Thief King Bakura. Why is he crying? Because angsty songs have been playing on the music channel all day. Maybe I'll doodle up something nice for tomorrow.

Ja for now, fools!