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How to make a proper 1mb bios File and how to burn a proper Bios cd using NERO


First step is making a proper 1mb bios file. To do so you will need a program called Xecuter 2 Bios Manager which can be found here

When you open x2bm for the first time it will look like this...

now what you want to do is click the import button and import the correct bios that you want. After this step it should look like this...

Since we're making a 1mb file you will need to import THE SAME bios 4 times. After you import the SAME 4 bios the x2bm will look like this..

now you want to click the save button and save this as bios.bin. If you have completed this step successfully you will have a file name bios.bin and it will be 1024 in size, which in turn can now be used to flash using the ozxflash/bios cd method.


Now we are ready to make our BIOS CD using Nero! NOTE: Xbox will only read CD-RW or DVD-R you must use one of those medias!

First we must open up nero. When we do so, we will meet a menu entitled "New Compilation" and it looks like the following picture.

Now as demonstrated in the above picture, the first step to creating a proper bios cd is make sure you have CD-Rom(ISO) highlighted and you make sure the NO MULTISESSION button is clicked in the Multisession Tab.

Now we must move on into the ISO tab as demonstrated below....

In this tab make sure all your settings are identical to the ones I have above. You must have ISO Level1 clicked along with MODE1 under format. You must also have character set set to ISO 9660.

As for the next step you can skip the Label and Dates and Misc tab because those arent really important. The next step is setting up the Burn Tab which will be demonstrated below.

As shown in the above picture MAKE SURE you have Write(obviously) and Finalize CD checked or else the BIOS cd WILL NOT work. As for write speed, try to write as slow as possible. It will probably work at 4x but try to go even slower if possible. Also, VERY IMPORTANT make sure your Write Method is on Disk-At-Once or else the burn will not work.

Now we are ready to Compile our Bios CD. So now, Click the New button on the New compilation screen. Once you clikc the New button you will arrive at a new screen.

The First thing you want to do at this new screen is right click all the way on the left and create a new folder on the disk like so...

When you create this folder it will be named "New" by default as shown in the above picture.

This is going to be our Dummy Folder. We're going to load up about 200mb worth of files into thie "New Folder" which will help take up space on the disk and make it a bit more bulkier. This way OZX flash and the Cromwell FlashBios can read the Cd Easier.

Ok first double click on the new folder. It will open up the New folder on the right pane under ISO1. Then Load up as many files as you can equaling out to roughly 200-300 megs give or take. Doesnt have to be exactly 200megs. On this tutorial i put 300megs of dummy files just to demonstrate how it done. View the picture of this step below.

So as you can see, we have now made our Dummy Folder which is loaded up with any files we can find which will make the cd more bulkier. NOTE: Please make sure you remember to put all the files in the NEW folder and not in the root directory of the cd. If you put all the files in the Root cirectory of the CD, the cd will not work properly when Flashing.

Now we must put that 1mb bios.bin file on the CD which we created earlier in this tutorial. The bios.bin MUST go in the root directory of the cd. It is very important that it does or else this bios cd it will not work.

To bring your bios.bin file over look on the right in the "File Browser and drag it over to the root directory of the CD.

Once you have dragged your 1mb bios.bin file into the Root Directory of the CD, the ISO1 form should look indentical to this..

If you dont see the same thing as the picture above try clicking on the NEW with the little cd next to it. That might be the problem. Clicking on the New with the little cd next to it will bring you to the root directory of this disk.

Once your ISO1 form is identical to the one above you are ready to burn this cd.

Burn the cd by clicking the File menu and Write CD. When you click Write cd it will will bring you to a menu that is almost identical to the New compilation menu in the beginning. We already preset all these settings so all you have to do is click the "Write" button which will burn the cd.

I note this once again as i did in the beginning..
Most Xboxs only read CD-RW or DVD-R so make sure you are using one of those medias. That is very important!

Congratulations! You have now made a Bios cd which can be used to flash your mod chips.