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Blonde Webbie

<b>B</b>eautiful, <b>L</b>avish, <b>O</b>ptimistic, <b>N</b>atural, <b>D</b>etermined, <b>E</b>minent

(You can add your own quote! Just click on Random Quotes!)

Welcome to the Truly Blonde webbie. This will give you more information about contests and guild events as well as let you get to know fellow Truly Blonde Members. I hope to start centering much of the information you will need on this site. I love to hear your opinions and suggestions. Please e-mail me with the subject Guild and I will be happy to help you. I Say....
Will you be happy to go back to school?

Oddly enough yes. I love summer as much as the next person, but enough is enough. I miss getting to see my friends and stuff. I'll be glad to go back to a normal schedule.

This is where the BOTM will have the honor of saying anything they wish. It can be as long (or short) as they wish.
Daily Ditz
~School is almost back in. Send DQ anything including links of Back-2-School stuff.
~Do you have something you would like to go into the Daily Ditz? Just send it to DQ and it should appear in a few short days.
July 2003
Please take a moment and vote in the Beauty Contest for BB's Pteri. Just Click Here .

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