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League Announcement

Rule Changes
The Following rules have been added/modified as of 19 Nov 2011:

  • *REMINDER*PENALTY KILL VIOLATION: According to the old rules, a team on the Penalty Kill may not kick the ball past the "Penalty Kill Line" (formerly found at the center of the field, now at the standard service box line), but they are able to kick in as far as they want in any other direction. From now on, the Penalty Kill Line will still be enforced, and in addition, it will be up to the Dungeon Keeper's discretion to give a verbal warning if play starts drifting too far in the other directions. Should the warning not be heeded, the violator will then receive the "Penalty Kill Violation" penalty. In addition, the "Penalty Kill Violation" penalty has been lowered to 2 minutes, from 5 minutes.

  • POWER-PLAY SERVICE BOX: When a team starts on the PP, they are permitted to move up from the standard Service Box a fair amount. The new PP Service Box will be placed between the standard Service Box and the Net at a distance of 2/3 from the net. This can only be used on the first serve of each PP.

  • G'DAY LADY CLAUSE: The GDL has been altered slightly. While previously it was just required that you score a trog with your head (a header goal), now for the GDL clause to take effect, it requires that you had some sort of hat or tuque on your head and upon receiving the pass you remove the hat and score a header goal, mimicking a gentleman removing their cowboy hat upon addressing a lady. Awesomely explained by this picture:

  • HANDBALL CLARIFICATION: Rules of what are classified as handballs have been clarified. When the arms are tucked in the body, handballs are only from the elbow down. When the arms are out, handballs count for the whole arm (minus shoulder). If you are wondering what counts as "shoulder" and "elbow", you are Mark Woods and please just drop it.

  • SLOPPY COUNTS: A new penalty introduced to punish miscounting of penalty time. When a penalized player is not counting properly, be it slurring numbers or not counting in 60 "second" intervals, they will be penalized for "Sloppy Counts". It is a 1 minute add on to the remaining time and the offending player must restart the current minute.

  • PENALTIES: Just want to reinforce the fact that a penalty is not officially over until you say something like "Out!". There has been some controversy and confusion about this and wanted to clarify the matter. "When you are done counting, you may then leave the net, and continue with the on-going play, but you must yell "I'm out!", or something to that effect" - taken from the official rules

  • Full Official Rulebook