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League Announcement

Rule Changes
The Following rules have been added/modified as of 11 March 2011:

  • AUTO PLAY-DEAD: When the ball gets kicked through the back or side of the net, play will automatically cease. Should it get kicked obviously far away from the net, the Dungeon Keeper may then decide to call "Play-On". This eliminates the players having to wait for the Dungeon Keeper to come to a decision every time the ball goes through.

  • PENALTY KILL VIOLATION: According to the old rules, a team on the Penalty Kill may not kick the ball past the "Penalty Kill Line" (found at the center of the field), but they are able to kick in as far as they want in any other direction. From now on, the Penalty Kill Line will still be inforced, and in addition, it will be up to the Dungeon Keeper's discretion to give a verbal warning if play starts drifting too far in the other directions. Should the warning not be heeded, the violator will then receive a "Delay of Game" penalty. Also, the Penalty Kill Line has been moved up from the center of the field to the Standard Service Box.

  • POWER-PLAY SERVICE BOX: In addition to to the new PK Violation rules, more emphasis was needed on the Power-Play. When a team starts on the PP, they are permitted to move up from the standard Service Box a considerable amount. The new PP Service Box will be placed half-way from the distance of the standard Service Box and the Net. This can only be used on the first serve of each PP.

  • MARS BARRING: A new penalty has been created called "Mars Barring". The definition is "using a foreign object to interfere in the game. Example: hitting someone with a frozen chocolate bar, or catching/throwing the ball with a hat". There will be a 2 minute penalty awarded to the violator of this act.

  • G'DAY LADY CLAUSE: Should someone score a header Trogdor (meaning the ball touches someone's head, and then goes directly into the net untouched by other players, not including the Dungeon Keeper or Defenseman), they will be given their 1 Trogdor as per usual, but with the added bonus of also being able to take the serve to start off the next play (as opposed to the usual procedure of the team that gets scored on gets to serve).

  • DEFENSE CALLED PENALTIES: The defenseman is now allowed to call discretion penalties. The only thing is, that they can only give out 1 minute for it. They may call the set penalties as they see fit, as always, but the discretion ones can only be 1 minute.

  • BEING GAY: The "Being Gay" penalty has been officially omitted from the rules. It has only ever been called once, and the League would like to move towards being more respectable.

  • BURNING THE BANANA STAND: Although not a rule, we discovered a new strategy that the Dungeon Keeper can put into play (that is perfectly legal to the current rules), and will help eliminate people crowding around the Dungeon Keeper, and trying to prevent him from redistributing the ball after a save. If the DK has the ball, he may intentionally make the ball touch the arms or hands of someone around the net to give them a Handball Penalty. This strategy is called "Burning the Banana Stand."

  • HANDBALL CLARIFICATION: The top of the shoulder is no longer considered viable to the Hand Ball Penalty.

  • Full Official Rulebook