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If you like trivia this is the place to be. You will find a selection of trivia questions on the
pages here, which are updated weekly, or you can click on the link to enter the java quiz
room (You will need to have java enabled to use this facility, or if you have an IRC (Internet
Relay Chat) client, you can get there by selecting, Chatster: Random Server,
and then adding #Trivia-Addicts to the channels folder)  where Trivia_Master will ask you
random assorted trivia questions, from a database of over 59,000 questions. 

If you do not have java,                       you can download it FREE >>> Here
If you do not have mIRC, you can download it FREE >>> Here
To play trivia quiz 1                       please click >>>  Here     

To play trivia quiz 2                       please click >>>  Here

To see unusual trivia                     please click >>>  Here
 To enter #trivia-addicts                please click >>>  Here

Trivia_Master Commands
Command Function
!trivia [number] Starts a new game, you can use [number] to specify the number of questions you want to answer! So typing !trivia 10 starts a trivia game with 10 questions.
!help <command> For specific help. Some commands may be disabled.
!join team 1 By typing this command you will join team 1
!join team 2 By typing this command you will join (yup, you guessed!) team 2
!show teams Shows who's on which team!
!hoffast Displays current fastest time
!hof Displays current champion
!repeat Re-display the current question to the channel
!report Displays the points of each team
!rounds Displays the number of rounds needed to win a match
!strivia Stops the current game without a result

Site Last Updated: 18/06/2003
Copyright © #Trivia-Addicts 2003 All rights reserved