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Our Current Enemies

Our Enemies

Everybody has enemies.These are our current enemies we deal with just about everyday.It normaly dosen't take any more than two of us to stop them,unless they start using bricks again. Logan is 6 years old with a bad problem about using bad words.He is often seen using a brick or baseball bat to try to hit us.At one point he was on the KND team,but that did not go well.He also has a brother named Tyler. One of Logan's friends is Escal.He is a short minded kid from England with a lack of free will.He does anything Logan tells him to,on the good side he has given us sticks to throw once or twice. Caitlin is 4 and I's sister,she normaly isn't a threat but sometimes she is.Our biggest problem with her is her gossip. Tyler is the last known enemy we have.He fights for the fun of it,and becomes occasonally dangerous.