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The Secret of Women

S. Schofield


            Long has it been man’s goal to figure out women. Hundreds of thousands of great men claimed that it could not be done. Luckily I’m a greater man then they were, and I have solved the mystery of womankind. The following information is the absolute truth and is not for the weak at heart. Some readers may take offense to the truth, the truth hurts, if you think you might be one of these pussies that are going to whine about it, just stop reading now.

What are women thinking?


            Women spend a considerable amount of time thinking about how to become more powerful than they already are. They are willing to use absolutely anyone to gain this power. They will turn on their friends, stab their family in the back, and cheat on their significant other if they feel that they can gain power from the deed.

            I can already feel you screaming at me… “Not all women are like that!” Bull crap. The only women that are not driven by an unrelenting thirst to rule others have brain damage. That’s not a bad thing, that’s a good thing. Retards are the only truly innocent human’s on this planet.

            In a way, not all women are the same. Some women have a different idea of power. Some women are driven to gain political power. People like Hillary Clinton, who was willing to forgive the most public act of adultery of all time. She didn’t forgive Bill out of love. She didn’t remain his wife because it was the right thing to do. She did it because if she got a divorce, like any self-respecting woman would have done, she would have lost her position as the First Lady of the United States. And that is the cold hard truth!

            This is proof that there is no such thing as a self-respecting woman. Women simply have a total lack of respect for everyone and everything else. They try to look and act like the supermodels of magazines because supermodels are powerful people, important people. And a woman knows that if she doesn’t do everything in her power to look just like that, then some other ruthless woman will come along and destroy her little kingdom.


Why can’t a nice guy get the girl?


            This is a really old question with a very simple answer. It is 100% the nice guys fault. The only reason a woman enters into a relationship is to gain power over the man, and hopefully his friends and family too. But a woman can control a nice guy simply by being his friend. This removes any purpose for starting a relationship. Now if the nice guy in question had huge arms, or was a great karate master or something like that, then a woman might choose to start dating him simply as a form of protection from her enemies. But even in this rare scenario, she is not doing it to fulfill her drive for love or a soul mate or any of that other bullshit they lie about, she’s just doing it so nobody beats her up.




What about traditional housewives?


            These women are just as strongly driven by their power lust, but their idea of power is different than that of other women. Most traditional wives are seeking out religious power. They want to do everything the Bible tells them to do because they view the eternal life they will be rewarded with at the end of their days as ultimate power. Other women view their husband and children as tools to satisfy their needs to dominate others. These are the picky women that produce nervous wreaks for children. The women that never stop nagging at their husbands. Nothing is ever right. Nobody ever does anything good enough for them. She is a queen in her sick version of reality, and all her subjects will bow to her every whim or they will suffer the consequences.


            I realize that I’m probably not the first man to crack the hideous secret of womankind; I am simply the only man brave enough to accept the truth for what it is. Nothing can be done to change them; they can’t be made to care for others. Even if they pretend they care about some topic (the environment, endangered species, etc…) they always seem to hate someone or something that is destroying what they “care about”. Which is followed by them gaining a small army of supporters to stand up for their beliefs. Isn’t it so very convenient that by sticking up for endangered species, this woman has just taken power over a very large group of people? “Take power away from our opponents and give it to us!”


What can I do?


            You can’t do a damn thing about it. This is just the way it is. Now that you know what makes a woman do the things she does, you wont be able to change her. All that anyone can do is make themselves appear to be something worth controlling, something worth destroying other women to have.

            As you lay on your deathbed, do not ask “Was I ever controlled by a woman, with or without my knowledge?”, simply ask, “of all the women that could have taken over my life, did I let the right one do it?” And if your answer is yes, you made out better in life than most of us.