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Welcome to the gaming clan Sybiän.

This clan was formed by people who

enjoy gaming and enjoy sybians. We

play Rogue Spear right now but will

grow in the future.


****Clan {Sybian} Declares Jihad on {Hazard}****

Clan sybians leader (the Fuhrer) has declared Hazard the first enemy of our Righteous clan. The news came after a member of Hazard, well, didn't want to join us. Plus we need an enemy. Members of the clan are encourage to shun Hazard members and try to start clan wars with anyone. We don't really have much skill right now, but we're learning and also we represent the Sybian, so how bad can we be.


****Refurbished Sybians and Venus' on SALE****

Need I say more! Sybians for all the kids is now more then just a dream. You can purchase these excellent items of ebay for the low price of 200$(comes with a backup motor for the avid user). The seller {Hazard}_Stoli has decided to give up his VERY "personal" collection to those who need it most. Just leave it to Hazard to make everyone happy.