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I'm a Cool guy from Bangalore (India)..

Contact me in IRC  

My Nick : Ravi-Shankar

:: Tips & Tricks ::
I'm going to update it later :)
:: Updates ::

Hello ! This is the update of the 'stupid' suggestion page. I think the boxes makes us bored ... so, i get rid of them and replace it by lines. What do you think ?

Guys ! Can your hear that ? *ssshhhh* Users commin' ! Let's give 'em a nice welcome to this network. Or give 'em trivia bot .. hehe ... so that they can play !

Copyrights © 2004 Ravi-Shankar
Update : Thursday, January 29, 2004


:: Message Of The Day ::

Can you see it scrolling ? Then it works .. it suppose to be scrolling. What ? I can't hear you ... Aaahhh .. you're dizzy right ? well, it's not my problem. Ask M-sys and DreamHealer about this, they the one who set this network up in the first place ... blame them ! (kiddin' ... hehe ..)

Well, i'm gonna leave you guys a message. After all, this is a Message Of The Day section ... right ? The message is : "Please ... even though this little page sucks, don't delete my O:Line ... please :P"

:: Notes ::

This page only a suggestion page. Well, after all ... we gotta make something ... right ? Well ... we don't have to use this page anyway ... it just a suggestion.


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