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Now you obvuslie love busted or u wouldn't have com 2 this site, but i need somthin 2 take up som space ,so i'll tell u about me and mi m8s.

firstly there's me, in not very interesting but, hey!, read this if you want.

my name is Hannah (bleh)
i cant stand my name and the  rest of it isn't wunderful either
so most ov the time im $tiX ,dont  ask me where it came from its just there
my favourite dude in Busted is definatly positively CHARLIE!!!
he's perfect and wunderful and funny and he's not bad looking either.
um, i love ice-skating , singing and dancing
and i won singing bit in the school eistedfud (for all u non welshies out there it's like a big competion with art competions and drama competions etc.) against  ange (hehehehehehehehehehehehe).
and i fancy charlie and Westy.
um, cant think of anything else.

then there's mi best m8

her name is Rhiannon but we call her sheep cos she's got fluffy hair and its sheepy coloured (blondish)(

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