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Welcome to Ultra Steamboat

By coming to this site, you have agreed to enter a world of viewing pleasure you have never witnessed before in you life in exchange for waiving certain constitutional rights. The images and content here will dazzle the eye and stimulate the mind in a way you have only dreamed about. This site contains some academic material which intended to be a helpful tool for students in need. Misuse of this material in any way constitutes a lack of goodwill and will be viewed by the administration team as a hostile action. Ultra Steamboat is an exquisitely exciting way to learn about yourself and the world around you. After all, when was the last time you were on a steamboat? Your answer to this question is most likely never, therefore, even your initial visit to this site is a new experience already. Periodically, I will upload samples of my artwork, its research aspects, and other work I have accomplished during my quest for knowledge. I assure you, this site will not be dull.