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Big Elvis




Big Elvis

This is it...This is the place where society meets BIG ELVIS.

The story of Big Elvis is long and, not really. It all began when she was born in April 1999 and in July, that same year, she was aquired. We named her "Elvis" because we mistakingly thought she was a male, and, as one can tell, she had an Elvis-do. On August 14th, 1999, Elvis had children(pups), thus we discovered she was indeed a "she." After the pups had grown to a reasonable amount, they were given away. Some time later, a young boar came into Elvis's life, and his name was Groundhog Boy. He was one year older than she, and soon they wed. After the wedding, a few weeks later, Elvis gave birth again to her second healthy litter. They were also given away in time. Months passed, and, on October 5th, 2000, Elvis's third litter was born. This birth was complicated, Elvis had only a single live baby, and the other one was stillborn. The stillborn was buried in an orchard and the remaining pup stayed put with his mother.He was a young, black male to which was given the name, Babstin, due to his runty size-which he still sports today. The family got along, but Groundhog Boy was forced to be seperated from his wife and son, for he constantly abused his child. Then, on July 22nd, 2002, a tragedy occured. Groundhog Boy was found still and cold in his cage between his box and cage wall-he had passed away during the night. It was expected he would die soon, for he had skin problems as well as digestive complications. He was 4 years old at his time of death.He was given a funeral(as well as nicely made coffin) that same day, Elvis and Babstin attending. Since his death, Elvis had been noticably different, but now a days she is doing much better. Babstin is still with her, they have gone through too much together to be taken apart. Elvis has met other friends, but no other boar has taken Groundhog Boy's place. This, my friend, is the story so far, of Big Elvis.
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Last Updated 1/11/03
Contact Maggy O'Reilly at :

Baby Elvis