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This is the email i got: From "" Date Tuesday, July 1, 2003 6:30 pm To Daniel Fiebig Subject Re: Billing: Broadband ADSL (KMM11030501V47742L0KM) Dear Daniel, In response to your email dated 7/1/03 I trust the following will be of assistance to you. Telstra BigPond can confirm that downloads from the GameArena site are free. However, a problem can occur if you were using free download management programs, for example FlashGet which includes by default the automatic ability for the application to select an alternate download point for the file if the GameArena free site is unavailable. This is termed mirror search, and can mean the download could have occurred from a charging site. You should check this option on your particular download manager. This problem was highlighted on the GameArena news page on 8July 2002. If you have any further enquires, please contact us on 13 12 82. Yours sincerely, David Telstra Representative **************************************************************** The contents of this email are strictly confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this email (including any attachments) is unauthorised and prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify Telstra immediately by return email and then delete the message from your system. ************************************************************ Telstra Corporation Limited, ACN 051 775 556, ABN 33 051 775 556 Original Message Follows: ------------------------ The following question has been received: Customer Information --------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail Address: First Name: Daniel Surname: Fiebig User ID: Reference # 030701-000161 -------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: Billing: Broadband ADSL Product: Broadband ADSL Category: Account Management, Usage and Billing Contact Information: Status: Solved Question Type: Billing Modem Speed: Modem Make: Alcatel Speet Touch HOME Operating System: Windows XP Software: Don't know Browser Version: Discussion Thread --------------------------------------------------------------- I have 2 questions to ask: 1) I have found a much better deal then this one i'm currently with. Would telstra be willing to compromise with the other deal? (6 gig a month for $64 - i'm paying $90 for 3 gig) If not, then i might take my adsl elsewhere. 2) I was on COGS last night playing an online game called Americas Army. Now i was using the Telstra server which means the downloads shouldn't count. yet it did. Please tell me why this happened.