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West Windsor - Plainsboro High School South

Model United Nations: 2003-2004

Hello all you eager MUNers! I know you are all anxious for the MUN season to begin but we still have the rest of summer to wait out...this site may help you review some stuff though! The dates for conferences are all listed . We will be having our first meeting after the club fair, and we will have a parents' night shortly after. We'll give you guys some time and then *drum roll* we will have our very first mock meeting! Yayy you all can whip those MUN skills back into shape so you can be ready for RUMUN/Princeton...where we can beat last year's track record and win more and better school awards! So I'll be trying to help update this check back often! In the meantime, check out the other pages. The links are good and I think Andrew managed to get our bible as well as other MUN guides on here so check em out. We now have a message board, so post any questions/concerns/friendly comments on here and anyone in the club can post an answer or reply.

Email or call me anyway if you have questions or anything! Thats all for now....


WW-P MUN Co-President


*Next Meeting: TBA (First Week After  Club Fair)*


Message Board
District Homepage
WW-P South Homepage
Contact Us
News & Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Year's Conferences Announced!
Princeton Model UN
          November 14-16
          Rutgers Model UN
          November 20-23
          Harvard Model UN
          NAIMUN - Georgetown
          February 12-15
          January 29- February 1
Previous Year's awards:
         Ben Franklin Cup 2003 (ILMUNC)
          Outstanding Delefgation 2003 (NAIMUN)
          Best Delegation 2002(SHUMUNC)
          Outstanding Delegation 2002 (ILMUNC)
          Distinguished Delegation 2001 (RUMUN)