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     Joe's Place    My Favorites

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Zach's Anime Page

John's Page



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jMy Favorite Music


Linkin Park


My CD Reviews.
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My name is Joe . I am a very simple person, though I try to look more complex than I really am. I usually fail at that.
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This Page is currently under construction in case you can't see that for yourself.


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I am attempting to put a visitor profile page up. If you world like to have your profile put on the page just email me anything you would want to have put on. You can also put pictures on as well. The pictures must be clean and in decent taste. I will review them before I put them on so just keep it clean. Some information that you might want to have in your profile is: age, gender, email address, aim sn, location, or anything that you may want others to know about you. Please don't put anything on that you don't want others to be able to see. I will review what info you send to me so if I think it is inappropriate or not necessary it won't be displayed.

If you would like me to put a link up to your web page, just send me the url and a description of the page and i'll go from there. No pages will be posted unless I find them okay and reasonable for this page. My email is below.

My email is  and my AIM sn is shnibes if you happen to have questions, comments, or concerns. I am open to suggestions so if you have any please feel free to send them to me either through email or instant message.



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