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Shitenhausen Music

Music, its what separates us from the animals. I mean how many times have you seen a ferret play the bongo's or a sloth play the tamborine during a Fleetwood Mack set. We here at Shitenhausen music offer the same shitty reviews accept with more attitude and a hell of a lot more sexual innuendos! So sit down, strap yourself in, feel the G's and bring a spare pair of undies cause we are about to take you on a musical rollercoaster that will only end when you shit yourself in delight. Shitenhausen Music: We may be shit reviewers but we make damn good pizza!!! Below: One of our favorite artists, Whitney Houston, during a publicity shoot for our site. Good job whitney you've really shown the Shitenhausen spirit and may I just apologise to Whitney and pray that she gets out of hospital soon. I was talking to the Doctor Whitney and your legs will grow back before your next performance.

What do we offer here at Shitenhausen Music: