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Sheep DO Suck Ultra Poop- The Inside Life of a Band Geek
Tuesday, 6 July 2004
I have to leave for work in 12 minutes
So yea, check it out...summer = nice :oD
Taiwan and Japan were a muy muy good time...but i have to say, i was more than glad to come home...though the 12 hr flight was a bit much...a bit less than the 2 hr then 14 hr then 3 hour straight flight to taiwan though. On the way home i even had the pleasure of not being able to sleep and watching 4 straight movies...something i had previously not been able to achieve. This accomplishment pleased me. Especially because the movies included the amazing "Win A Date With Tad Hamilton" (kill me now) and Scooby Doo 2, which, i must say, is unmatched in its ability to combine the acting talents of Freddy Prince Junior and Sarah Michelle Gellar all at once. WOAH. how...enthralling. You better belive it.
Anyway, i have to leave for work in 4 minutes now so its fairly necessary that i stop boring the world with this crap. More on Japan and Taiwan later...but only if theres a time when im extremely bored.

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 5:17 PM EDT
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Saturday, 5 June 2004
2 months later
Yo, check it out... practically 2 months since i last posted...good to know im not one of those psycho obsessive freaks who feels the necessity to update the world on my uninteresting life every other 5 seconds. safe. *whew*
so yea, 8 days of school remaining...really 7 cause whos actually going to go on the last day? yea, im going to beach it up. SATs this morning, one of my personal favorite ways to spend a saturday morning, especially one that begins at 8am. Luckily, McGrath livened it up as our procter by telling bad jokes and being wierd. The test didnt seem too bad alltogether and hopefully i did amazingly well and got a 1560...because you know, thats possible and all.
Finals start wed, and theres a good chance that i should be spending my weekend studying, but who does that anyway? well, maybe someone; however, this time, that someone will not be me.
Had a good lunch at Fedora con Alan after SATs and that was good...then we hung out and laughed at ourselves a lot. unfortunately, in an unlucky twist of fate it turned out that he had to work at 4, so i am now home. i plan to go over ems and help her do that crazy ass quote project thing while creating an amazing san fran scrapbook all at the same time.
So yea, things are mostly good, actually its pretty much all good. just waiting for chris to come home from prom house in the rain so i can hear some stories and see some pictures. good times.
I leave for Japan on the 18th, so thats kindof interesting and all...the only bad thing is the fact that I will be missing 10 days of certain people here whom i will miss very much...
but yea, we'll all live and yo, im going to japan.
g2g do some quotes with em now

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 6:10 PM EDT
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Sunday, 11 April 2004

"Going to bed without talking to you is like listening to music with the sound off."

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 4:40 PM EDT
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Saturday, 10 April 2004
all day with alan
Happy night before easter. Had a mad good day today. :o) mad good. got to alans not so early, however, found him still sleeping. woke him up. smiled. then made eggs. lol. <3.
We went bowling with rach and dimitri and i got yelled at by dimitri for waking him up. that was so alans fault. anyway, bowling-wise, i did better the first time and came in third. lol then i did worse and won. im sorry dimitri. all i have to say about that. maybe starting that bowling league with Z would do you a bit of good. lol.
then played some tennis and some baseball. made a fool of myself in more ways than one. still, had such fun. what good stuff. what a nice day. what a good time. what an amazing time.
~4 Days remaining till San Fran~
- Cait
P.S. i have mono.
P.P.S. uhoh.

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 9:40 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 April 2004
6 days
yea, so check it out. Spring break and San Francisco in 6 days. What absolute amazingness. Got over my mad illness some days ago and now things seem to be good. (except for the fact that i have to take 18 tests when i get back and seem to have these projects i know nothing about...)
anyway, yo estoy muy feliz, mostly porque yo paso mucho tiempo con mi persona favorita. Todo es bueno...siempre.
I need a car. Anyone interested in donating to the get caitlin a car fund? yea. didnt think so.
P.S. check it out: Ben Jelen "come on"- good song...real good stuff.

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 1:15 PM EDT
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Sunday, 21 March 2004
The Real Top Ten List
The following is the real top ten list of things that occurred during the three months we diligently sat imprisioned behind a curtain. Well, for some of the 3 months...
It is a list composed not only of the ten funniest things, but of simply the ten best moments, as i couldnt think of 10 absolutely hilarious things that happened.

10. Melinda standing up and ruining our wave...or rather the wave of venomous looks thrown at her that followed
9. Sean and Dimitri's "who can get their pants lower" wars
8. Passing notes across the pit in secret code thats not quite so secret
7. Sean actually bringing a cooler the night of the show
6. The 5 minutes we sometimes got between acts and scenes
5. Haltmeier can read lips better than i thought... F
4. Frank's "misunderstanding" that involved a curtain
3. "alright, so you dive foreward at exactly the right moment while I LEAP over you and kiss Ann all while screaming 'Brace yourself ANN!'"
2. My calling Dimirti a dork thinking he was reading Scientific American, while in reality it was only a cover for the PLAYBOY hidden inside
1. What happened while i was waiting in a pizza line

What is most amazing, is that all of these things actually happened. What fun! goodtimes.
Off to study physics.

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 12:06 PM EST
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Tuesday, 16 March 2004
11 hours behind a curtain
Have you ever spent 11 consecutive hours in a chair behind a curtain. I did. Today. Talk about a good time. lol, actually i did have a good time...pit..Hell Week...though i dont feel very much like im in hell. But maybe thats just me. maybe its just because i almost fell over with happiness today. maybe.
Anyway, come see the show, this THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY night. And if anyone asks...the clarinet solos are me.

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 10:16 PM EST
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Sunday, 7 March 2004
So I spent today once again being reminded why it is that I love weekends so unbelieveably much. (Minus the fact that my alarm went off at 7 am this morning to remind me to get my ass out of bed and write an impossibly long and boring essay on Hamlet.) Nothing else to say. Goodtimes. Laughs. Smiles.

I mean amazing times.

Even amazing isnt the right word.

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 12:00 AM EST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2004
WOOT. Home game vs. Ewing tonight. guess what...WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!! 41 to 30!!!! ok ok, they did suck, but we lost to them before! wow it feels so good to win! we played an awesome second half too...we ACTUALLY WORKED LIKE A TEAM! YES! i had 7 pts and mucho rebounds... :0) goodtimes
And i need to say CONGRATULATIONS 1000 TIMES TO REESE FOR GETTING 1000 POINTS! Thats seriously so amazing. getting 1000 pts would make my life! Reese = amazing! Shes only the 9th person to do it in LHS history so far! DO YOU REALIZE HOW AMAZING THAT IS?! OUTRAGEOUSLY! oh man.
Anyway...everything is good. life is just good. My bday on Friday...HERE i COME SCARY DRIVING TEST! i hope i get the fat guy? not the one from rockos modern life. (yes, bad show, im sry)
IF *crosses fingers* i going out friday night and never coming homeeeeeee! (poconos anyone? lol) *happy sighs*

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 8:01 PM EST
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Sunday, 15 February 2004
busting out the bad music
Theres something bout the way you look tonight, Theres something bout the way that i can't take my eyes off you. Theres
something bout the way your lips invite, maybe its the way that i get nervous when your around. And I want you to be mine
and if u need a reason why,

Its in the way that you move me, and the way that you tease me the way that I want you tonight, its in the way that you
hold me, and the way that you know me, when I can't find the right words to say, u feel it in the way, you feel it in the

Theres something bout how you stay on my mind, theres something bout the way that I whisper your name when I'm asleep Oh
no. Maybe its the look you get in your eyes. Oh baby its the way that makes me feel to see you smile. And the reasons they
may change but what i'm feeling stays the same.


I can't put my fingers on just what it is that makes me love you, you baby. So don't ask me to describe, I get all choked
up inside, just thinking bout the way.


DID I JUST PUT CLAY AIKEN IN MY BLOG? um yes. wanna mess?

Posted by ultra/sheepsuckultrapoop at 12:39 PM EST
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