This site is filled with criticism and discrimination of any nature (sexual, personal etc.) on anyone we get information on. Statements are not all said by webmasters, visitors of this site may e-mail us their views and comments on any situation they seem fit to be posted on this site therefore we do just that. Information can be factual but also fictional we will leave you to believe whatever the hell you want cause WE JUS DON'T GIVE A FUCK and quote that up you'll asses. EH EMM......So if you think that people hate you, this is where to find out, If you want to dig up dirt on someone we're here for you, if you just want a good laugh then chill out here and share the jokes. We erg you if you don't enjoy criticism stay away," not that we give a fuck, we're just saying that because with a disclaimer we can't get sued or prosecuted for the actions taking place here cause we warned you." So if you grow a brain and get stressed out or worried or precautious don't blame us. LIFE JUS FUCK UP!



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