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Drum FAQ

Okay, so I wanted to know some information about drums so I decided to ask my friend.

Me: So how many drums are there in a typical drumset?

Friend: Well, usually on a set there's an average of 5 drums; tom-toms (2), bass drum (1), snare drum (1), and floor tom (1).

Me: Can you take off those things that you would put on and take off of these drums?

Friend: If you're talking about drumheads, then yes you can.

Me: They all feel different and I can never figure out what they are made of. What ARE they made of?

Friend: It's funny you should ask, because I asked the same question many times when I first started drumming. They are made of calfskin, or if they are plastic they are made of kelvar and delrin.

Well, that's all we got to finish up. I hope you find this information as useful as I did! I will be shortly adding more information on this.

This was Donald Freedman. Have a good night.