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Saiyan's FUSION!! Scripts!

The script below was written by Psyc_Out! Scripts are detailed out lines of the plot of and episode or movie. Many hours have been put into these 100% correct scripts, rewritten by watching every episode and movie so once again: DO NOT COPY!! Thank you

The History of Trunks

Rewritten by Pysc_Out


Scene: Gohan is running home to where Vegeta, Piccolo, Chiaotzu, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Bulma holding “Chibi” Trunks (Crying), Puar, and Oolong are standing.

Oolong: Hey Gohan!

Puar: Yea, he made it!

Scene: Gohan runs inside his house where his Goku is lying dead on the bed, with Chi-Chi, Ox-King, and Master Roshi in the room.

Gohan: Ah… Father…

Chi-Chi: Oh Gohan I’m sorry, I’m so sorry hunny. (Starts to Cry)

Scene: Goes to back out side where the gang (Vegeta, Piccolo, Chiaotzu, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Bulma holding “Chibi” Trunks, Puar, and Oolong) are standing.

Krillin: He’s gone, Goku’s gone.

Vegeta: Kakarot… no.

Narrator: “Falling victim to a radical new virus, goku pasted from the earth leaving his loved ones behind. Unfortunately this unhappy occasion was merrily a foreshadowing of the horrible tragedies that were still to come. Six months later on an island 9 miles south of southwest of South City, a dreadful duo launched an attack. Coming to the defense of the inhabitants were Earth’s Special Forces. Piccolo was the first to try and the first to die. Vegeta was next to fall, then Yamcha and Tien. Even Krillin was destroyed by the ruthless duo. Two artificial beings with strength beyond normal conception have appeared out of no where. It’s the beginning of a new era for Earth, an era of darkness.”

The History of Trunks

Narrator: “13 Years Later…”

Scene: In Pepper city both Android 17 and 18 are shooting beams into the city. People are crowded around in the streets fearing the end of their own lives.

Pepper City Male Citizen: Run for your lives everybody they’re killers, cold blooded murders.

Pepper City Male Citizen 2: Ah… ah… ah… Ahahah... Run… ah… Run for your lives

Scene: Pepper City citizens start heading in a large stampede going towards opposite directions from Android 17 and 18.

Android 18: There they go another stampede.

Android 17: Pitiful humans, what a bunch of shameless cowards they are.

Android 18: Let’s give them a head start.

Android 17: Sure, why don’t you do the honors, go ahead.

Android 18: Ok, 10…

Male Voice: Go, Go, Go

Android 17: 9…
Android 18: 8…
Android 17: 7…
Android 18: 6…
Android 17: 5…
Android 18: 4…
Android 17: 3…
Android 18: 2…

Android 17 and 18: 1

Scene: Android 17 and 18 shoot beams destroying the Pepper City and its entire people civilization.

Pepper City Male Citizen 3: (Holding His Daughter) it’s just like watching fireworks, don’t worry hunny.

Pepper City News Reporter: (Live) Oh my gosh it’s like an infernal here folks. Pepper City is under seized by the androids, its madness. You’re watching the recently restored broad district going up in a huge ball of fire.

Scene: Master Roshi, Puar, Oolong, and Turtle are hanging in a submarine off of the Kame Island under the water/ sea.

Oolong: I think I’m gonna risk it guys. I’m going in for a food run.

Puar: What do you mean risk it? You heard the radio, there Pepper City.

Oolong: My gosh you can’t even pretend to be brave around here.

Master Roshi: Those androids are (?), we got to do something about this.

Oolong: I guess I can take it down another 20 feet.

Master Roshi: No not further down take her to the surface, I’m going to Pepper City.

Puar: Master Roshi no, we won’t let you.

Oolong: You can’t go off and die were just a pig, a cat, and a turtle.

Turtle: Uh ha (“Yes” making sound)

Puar: Please stay Master Roshi

Master Roshi: Well… Shucks

Puar and Oolong: Please….

Master Roshi: Oh I guess so…

Scene: Android 18 is in a shop trying on the many clothes the humans offer as Android 17 waits out side of the building.

Assistant Shop Owner: You like it… Yes

Android 18: Yes

Assistant Shop Owner: Well it’s free, on the house.

Android 18: Thanks

Assistant Shop Owner: It’s you Madame, defiantly…Yes, Yes, Yes, no not quite… of course if that’s the one you like take it take them all. You have a fabulous figure for these dresses.

Android 18: You just saved your life, thank you. I may be an Android but I’m still a women.

Assistant Shop Owner: Oh my gosh…

Scene: Android 18 walks out with a pile of clothes putting them in the trunk of the car, Android 17 has outside.

Android 18: I found some really cute stuff and that man says I have a fabulous figure.

Android 17: Oh…

Scene: When Android 17 says “oh”, he lifts his hand and destroys the shop and the assistant shop owner.

Android 18: Ah, no I spared him. You know 17 that made me look bad, like I was lying. That’s not fair.

Android 17: Sorry, that was rude.

Scene: We are brought back to the civilians in Pepper City scattering and a news reporter with the latest updates.

OBC News Reporter: Behind me you are looking at the burning wreckage of Pepper City, the largest target of the Androids hostility.

Pepper City Citizens: (Screams, Yells)

Scene: Android 17 is driving the stolen car through the city making a game out of hitting the Pepper City Citizens.

OBC Camera Guy: It’s the Androids they’re back, they’re heading strait for us.

Android 17: Alright, ha ha, I get 10 points for every human I hit.

Scene: We get a vision of a radio and then the camera zooms out and we are introduced to Trunks and Bulma (Driving a Car) for the first time in the movie.

Radio: They just flew right over our heads. After destroying the city now they’re on a joy ride terrorizing the survivors, this is just... (Radio is switched to music)

Bulma: This is terrible that’s what. I can’t listen any more. Darn those two. They’re wrecking the entire planet. Everyone living in fear, wondering when they’re gonna strike next. That’s no way to live. There’s got to be away to stop them.

Trunks: Mom stop, I want you to go on home without me.

Bulma: What on Earth for, what’s wrong Trunks?

Scene: Bulma has the car stopped and sees Trunks clench his hands into a fist grabbing his pants and she understands what he meant. (Trunks wants to go fight)

Bulma: Huh, you can’t. N-O (Spells “No”). I’m not gonna loose my only son to those mechanical demons, no way. Trunks don’t you dare.

Scene: Trunks flies away from his mom for his intentions to fight Android 17 and 18.

Bulma: Trunks no… Darn you. You better come back alive kid, that’s all I can say.

Scene: We are brought back to the city where Android 17 is playing games with the Pepper City civilians live by trying to run them over with a car with Android 18 watching from a small distance.

Pepper City Civilians: (Screams and Yells While Running)

Android 17: Come back here you speedy little devils. Ha ha ha ha. Oh yea, were talking major points right here. Oh, excuse me, oh coming through, oh oh, sorry about that, oh not really.

Android 18: How juvenile, honestly 17 your like a little kid, all you want to do is play. Come on lets get out of here.

Android 17: You’re just a party pooper that’s all.

Android 18: Oh shut up

Scene: Trunks gets to Pepper City by flying right after The Androids left on foot.

Trunks: All my gosh, look at this place. Everyone’s dead. This just isn’t fair.

Scene: Trunks sees Gohan for a second time, when Gohan arrives flying over Pepper City.

Trunks: Gohan why are they doing this killing all these innocent people.

Scene: Gohan and Trunks are at Bulma’s house, the Capsule Corporation.

Trunks: Is this the way life is suppose to be, so full of pain. Well I rather fight and die than watch this all happen. No, I can’t just sneak around while this is going on. Please train me, you have to please, I must fight. Come on Gohan your half Sayian like me right, so then you must know how I’m feeling. Help me channel some of this anger. Gohan!

Gohan: You’re pitiful Trunks, an emotional wreck. Just like I was when my mom wouldn’t let me train and fight with my father. For now on I’m your master and you are my pupil. How’s that?

Trunks: Great, I won’t let you down.

Gohan: Yea, I know.

Bulma: Trunks I’m home.

Trunks: My moms back, oh man. Please don’t tell her.

Gohan: Right

Bulma: Hello is anybody in there. Ah it’s nice to see that your alive son. Do you plan on living long or should I start shopping for one instead of two.

Trunks: Ah no two is fine mom.

Bulma: And a surprise guest. How are you Gohan?

Gohan: Fine, Hi.

Bulma: Trunks goes to fight the Androids then you show up, what an interesting coincidence wouldn’t you say. You guys aren’t planning thing are you… well I didn’t think so you’re not that stupid, nobodies that stupid right.

Scene: The three moves into the kitchen and Bulma fixes rice for everyone.

Bulma: I hope you can stick around for awhile this time Gohan. We hardly get to see you anymore. I miss the good old days, traveling to Namek together has got to be the all time greatest adventure.

Gohan: Chew attack

Trunks: Chew attack

Gohan: More please

Bulma: Ha ha ha… Yep like father like son.

Gohan: Oh yea, you think so.

Bulma: Oh definitely, the way you eat and the way your so powerful and so gentle at the same time and the way you look, especially with that outfit on.

Gohan: I guess I’ve always dreamed as being as strong as my dad. Huh, yea it inspires me to wear his old colors.

Bulma: Well I know he’d be awfully proud to see what a strong man you’ve become. I’ve heard rumors of you’ve been fighting the androids all by yourself, is that true.

Gohan: Yes

Bulma: Please be careful and guess what, now Trunks wants to fight too. I wish you’d would talk to him, he might listen to you.

Scene: Trunks starts his training by showing Gohan him trying to become a Super Sayian, though it doesn’t happen yet.

Gohan: Hey not bad, I didn’t know that he was this far along.

Scene: Trunks and Gohan train next by a head on battle with Gohan going easy by not using full strength and only blocking until Trunks lets down his guard and Gohan kicks trunks clear off the cliff into the ocean. And at the time Trunks does not know how to swim.

Trunks: (Constantly Choking On water) Gohan help me.

Gohan: Ok, make circles with your arms and kick real hard, ha ha ha ha ha

Scene: We next see Trunks back on the land on his knees coughing from choking on water

Gohan: Her you go Trunks. (Gohan Gives Trunks a Towel)

Trunks: First you stand there and watch while I almost drown and then you offer me a towel.

Gohan: Yep

Trunks: (Man so much for the royal treatment)… Gohan you knew my father pretty well right.

Gohan: Um hum, (Yes making sound)

Trunks: Well my mom doesn’t say much about him and I can’t remember him from when I was a baby. Do you think you could tell me a little bit about him and what he was like?

Gohan: He was tough, extremely powerful, arrogant, and very proud.

Trunks: Ah I see that’s about what mom says about him.

Scene: We are brought back to Gohan’s home again and where Chi-Chi is inside and her father, Ox-King, arrives with the groceries.

Ox-King: Chi-Chi, hello hunny it’s me.

Chi-Chi: Ah… wise man carrying groceries come in.

Ox-King: I don’t know about wise but I did remember the honey due-melon and the ketchup and the potatoes for my French fries. Oh and I heard a rumor about Gohan.

Chi-Chi: Gohan, please tell me he’s all right dad.

Ox-King: Oh he’s just fine dear but it seems that he’s been taking it upon him self to changeling the androids lately from what I hear.

Chi-Chi: What am I going to do with that boy? There’s no talking him out of it.

Ox-King: Try not to worry about it hun, I know it’s hard

Chi-Chi: I don’t know what I would do if I lost him dad, he’s all I have left… oh, Goku…

Scene: Trunks is trying to go to his next stage Super Saiyan, with the help of Gohan in a field.

Gohan: Trunks, remember the children, remember how you felt that that day.

Scene: Trunks continuously tries to reach the Super Saiyan level but does not exceed and he falls to his knees trying to exert so much energy.

Trunks: Darn

Gohan: (He almost had it, incredible he’s giving ever thing he has)

Scene: We are brought to a theme park (Super World) and then the camera zooms into the rollercoaster line.

Megaphone: Don’t forget to ride the “scud tram” free and to get a bird eyes view of Super world.

Little Boy: Here it comes mom!

Rollercoaster Warning Announcement: For your safety please remain behind the barrier until the vehicle is fully stopped. (Repeats 3 Times)

Little Boy 2: Can we ride it again dad?

Scene: Android 17 and 18 enter the roller coaster in the front seat before the Rollercoaster Assistant (helps people in and out of the roller coaster) lets anyone into the rollercoaster.

Rollercoaster Assistant: Huh, excuse me folks your going to have get to the back of the line.

Android 18: Buzz off we were here first

Rollercoaster Assistant: Maim please the rules…

Android 18: Rules who needs them.

Scene: Android 18 lights up an energy ball

Rollercoaster Assistant: Oh no, look out!

Scene: Android 18 throws the energy ball and the next thing we see is smoke under the rollercoaster tracks that Android 17 and 18 are riding.

Android 17 and 18: (Continuous Laughs)

Android 17: This is great

Scene: We see a person that is a part of the Staff of the theme park, Super World, crawl out of some rubble and try’s to contact an officer of an army.

Super World Staff: Hello? Tom Malicha, hello, we can’t get (?) we need help, come at once please.

Scene: As the Super World Staff guy it trying to get a hold of the army, we see the phone hanging by its cord and in the background, a bunch a dead officers and their tanks. We are immediately back to the two androids ridding in more rides, the “Spinning Saucer”.

Android 17 and 18: (Continuous laughs)

Android 18: Wow, this is too much, I love it.

Scene: The androids are on a different ride next where you are in a swing that spins circular over the ground.

Android 18: (More Laughs)

Android 17: 18 try closing your eyes its cool.

Scene: Trunks and Gohan are flying towards Super World, seeing the fleeing of many people, as the androids are boarding a new ride, the Merry go Round.

Gohan: This is it Trunks.

Android 18: Take a steed cowboy.

Scene: Trunks and Gohan land in front of the two androids.

Android 18: Oh look its blonde, except his hair’s black today

Android 17: Of Course, he’s copying me.

Android 18: He’s getting to be a real bother, what do you say we finish him off this time.

Android 17: Sure

Gohan: Trunks let me handle this.

Trunks: Right

Scene: Gohan and Android 17 go head on verse one another as Trunks stands by watching a about equal fight and Android 18 continues to rides the Merry go Round.

Trunks: Man he’s doing it, wow.

Scene: Android 18 leaves the Merry go Round and makes a surprise attack on Gohan and sends Gohan flying right into a glass window.

Android 17: Man where did all that come from?

Android 18: He’s dangerous today, something’s fired up, lets work him together.

Trunks: Gohan…

Scene: Android 17 and 18 team up on Gohan beating the living crap out of him and Trunks decides to make a move on Android 18.

Trunks: You!

Android 18: (Talking to Trunks) You better get out of here while you still can

Trunks: So you can gang up on my friend again, I see how you two operate, you’re cruel.

Scene: Trunks gets angered and takes many hits at Android 18 but none are effective, then Android 18 hits Trunks upside his head and Trunks soon retaliates with a knee to her stomach (Which actually hurt her). Android 18 gets pissed and hits Trunks down making him fall towards the ground but before he hits; she picks him up by the collar of his shirt, having him hang.

Trunks: Go ahead, do it you witch.

Gohan: Oh no, Trunks.

Scene: She lifts her other hand and creates and energy ball, but Gohan knocks her away, and picks up Trunks. Android 17 and 18 continue to throw energy balls as Gohan is running trying to hide the two of theme selves.

Android 18: Die

Scene: Gohan still is holding Trunks and managed to slip away from the two androids hiding near them behind a small piece of concrete from a damaged building.

Android 17: How could he have given us the slip again?

Android 18: I don’t know and we said that we were going to finish him off this time. It makes us look bad when were going to do something, we need to do it.

Android 17: You’re really stuck on that aren’t you?

Android 18: So. I just want to do what we say were going to do. Its only common sense.

Android 17: I know, but he got he got away. Get it?

Android 18: Yea

Android 17: Let’s take a few pop shots, we might get lucky.

Android 18: Cool…

Scene: Android 17 and 18 take multiple energy beams and shoot them through out the area

Android 18: Do you think we got him.

Android 17: I don’t know did you hear any yells or anything like that?

Android 18: No

Android 17: Then we didn’t get him

Android 18: How do you know he’s tough, he probably wouldn’t yell anyway.

Android 17: That would bite if we got him but didn’t know it.

Android18: Why what difference would it make?

Android 17: Because then we’d never know if we got him or not.

Android 18: Yeah, I guess your right that would suck. Man… What

Android 17: Let’s go home.

Scene: The androids flew away and Gohan is severely wounded with an arm missing and Trunks still passed out. Gohan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pouch containing one senzu beam and has the choice to take it him-self or give it to Trunks.

Gohan: Kind of like my arm only one left. Now Gohan what would your father do? Here little bro, you worked great, here swallow it Trunks, live, got to live.

Scene: Gohan passes out and we then see Bulma working in her lab on the computer.

Bulma: Ok that’s better, nice, major improvement.

Scene: Trunks walks in to his mom’s lab carrying Gohan over his shoulder.

Bulma: Huh, oh my gosh, what happened Trunks.

Trunks: To be blunt, we got beat up.

Bulma: Oh no his arm; get him to a bed Trunks, hurry. Now Gohan this is going to hurt, just hold still. Isn’t it a strange coincidence that you happened to run into Gohan while he was on his way to fight the androids at Super world?

Trunks: Life’s funny that way sometimes.

Bulma: So you say Trunks dear, I know what you’re up to, I wasn’t born yesterday you know, why is it that teenagers think their parents are so stupid.

Gohan: (Groans)

Bulma: The doctors said he’d be out for a week.

Gohan: Where are those darn androids?

Scene: Gohan is already up missing a left arm trying to train Trunks again to become a Super Saiyan.

Gohan: That’s it Trunks you’re doing it. Let go you’re not what you think. The androids, they’re killers Trunks. They’ll destroy me, your mother, you. Every thing you hold sacred is worth no more than a pile of trash to them. Don’t be ashamed of your anger, killing innocent children is wrong. It’s ok to hurt, its ok to feel the rage, harness it, use it as a tool. You’re doing it Trunks. Don’t be afraid. Let it go, let it all go.

Scene: Trunks is again too overwhelmed by the exertion of energy and again falls to the ground on his knees. Trunks and Gohan are next lying on top of a huge cliff, trying to relax.

Trunks: Man, I can’t believe myself, what a joke.

Gohan: Hey relax; let’s forget about becoming a Super Saiyan for a while, huh.

Trunks: What am I doing wrong; you’re my master Gohan you can tell me, why can’t I do it.

Gohan: You can, sure Trunks you just need to find the right motivation, that’s all. Yeah, for me it’s simple. All I have to do is think of how the androids killed Piccolo and Krillin. Then I feel a horrible hurt and then the pain from that turns into rage, its madding. I don’t ever want it to happen, something that unfair and suddenly the damn brakes.

Scene: Right after Gohan finishes his line they can see a couple of cities going up in a huge energy ball.

Trunks: What you got to be kidding me. Oh man. Darn those two.

Gohan: This is ridicules; they never even had a chance.

Scene: Gohan trances to Super Sayian.

Trunks: Gohan you can’t go.

Gohan: Look Trunks no matter what happens, please stay here.

Trunks: What are you crazy, no way; I can’t let you fight those two alone.

Gohan: Listen I’m a lot more vulnerable when your there with me.

Trunks: But I’m much stronger this time. Come on I can’t let you go alone with your injurie. Please Gohan take me with you.

Gohan: Alright Trunks you win, lets go get him.

Trunks: Right, cool.

Scene: Gohan knocks Trunks out temporarily so that Trunks wouldn’t come with Gohan and get hurt.

Gohan: Sorry about that Trunks, but I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if any thing happens. This is my battle for now little brother; you’re not quite ready yet. I can fell them all down there crying Trunks that’s why I have to go. I know you’ll understand someday. See you later kid.

Scene: We see the Android 17 destroying buildings as Android 18 sits and watches in boredom.

Android 18: Come on let’s get out of here. All the humans are dead, the fun parts over. I don’t want to sit around here and watch you shoot buildings all day, its boring.

Android 17: Boring, this isn’t boring. Boring is when I stand around while you try on clothes for two hours, that’s boring. This is actually pretty fun; you should give it a whorl.

Android 18: Man, things I put up with. I swear he’s like a little pig. Hey we missed one.

Scene: Android 18 spotted a human that was still alive by his groans and shoots a beam at him.

Android 17: That’s ten more points. Ah were tied.

Scene: Gohan comes in with a surprise kick to Android 17’s face and knocks him into some rubbish.

Android 18: Oh my gosh…ha ha ha ha, your shirt, it’s torn. Ha ha ha ha.

Android 17: That’s quite an entrance you made. I hope you enjoyed it because it’s going to cause you your life and you trashed my favorite shirt. I’m glad you came though. Yeah, this is perfect; you can be our tie-breaker.

Android 18: First one to kill him wins its sudden death. No ties go.

Gohan: You know you can’t win; you can’t destroy what I really am. Even if you managed to kill this body, someone even stronger would surface and take my place. Not one death will go unaccounted for, not one.

Scene: Gohan makes a run for it and the androids ketchup with him and a thunderstorm starts to start.

Android 17: This thunderstorm is a perfect back drop for your demise.

Gohan: There is no end for me, no end.

Scene: The Androids take Gohan on together and leads to and unfortunate painful end for him. Then at that very second Trunks wakes up still at the cliff.

Trunks: Gohan? Oh no. Darn it Gohan why’d you go alone.

Scene: Trunks goes searching for Gohan in the city where it’s raining and sees Gohan lying on the pavement in a puddle, dead.

Trunks: Gohan. Oh no, no. Gohan why’d you have to do it, why did you have to leave me, it’s not fair. Oh gosh, no. What did they do to you Gohan? You were my best friend, you were everything to me, everything. This just isn’t fair. Gohan, Gohan, Gohan!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!

Scene: Trunks doesn’t realize it at first but he found his motivation to become a Super Saiyan. At the scene of Gohan’s death, Trunks lets out all his energy, clenches his fist and bleeds from his hands and finally becomes a Super Saiyan.

Narrator: Three years later.

Scene: Trunks is home and his mother, Bulma, is working on a Time Traveling machine.

Trunks: Hey mom, what’s shaking? Ah I see your still playing with your toy.

Bulma: I know you think I’m crazy darling, but people thought your Grandpa was crazy and he became the greatest inventor in the world.

Trunks: Yeah, but grandpa wasn’t trying to travel back in time.

Bulma: Your grandpa didn’t have a good graph of time anyhow, when he was working days seemed like minuets to him. Where’s your pioneering spirit anyway, don’t’ you want to help Goku defeat the androids.

Trunks: Look mom, I don’t need any dead people to from the past to help me beat the androids. I can beat them right here and now. I am a Super Saiyan you know.

Bulma: So was Gohan Trunks, but that obviously wasn’t enough. Go and get your self killed if you want to, I’ll take the antidote to Goku. But if you think throwing your life away sensuously is going to make Gohan happy, you’re wrong. Trunks: Don’t talk to me about Gohan; he was my master and my friend. What would you know?

Radio: Attention, we interrupt this broadcast to bring you the latest news on android activities; Bridge town is currently under attack. The south bound interstate in the only route out of the city that hasn’t been destroyed. I repeat Bridge Town, is under attack.

Trunks: That’s pretty close

Bulma: I know but your not thinking about going are you?

Trunks: Yes I have to; I can’t turn my back on those people.

Bulma: There’s another way Trunks, we can use the time machine.

Scene: Trunks takes flight to Bridge Town, to take revenge on the Androids.

Trunks: Alright this is it, Time for revenge. Your death won’t be invaded Gohan.

Scene: Android 18 again waits impatiently while Android 17 has fun destroying the rest of the buildings at Bridge Town.

Android 18: Hey are you ready to go?

Android 17: I guess so.

Android 18: Good, because this is getting boring.

Android 17: You’re getting harder and harder to please.

Android 18: Yeah, so.

Scene: Trunks arrives at Bridge Town as they planned to leave.

Trunks: How about experiencing your own deaths androids, does that thrill you; it will be your last joy ride.

Android 18: Us die that’s very funny, but this won’t be.

Scene: Android 18 takes a hit at Trunks and the fight begins between Android 18 and Trunks.

Android 18: You wouldn’t hit a lady would you?

Scene: Trunks fell to the ground and pulled out his sword and continued to go against Android 18.

Android 18: This isn’t fair, I’m unarmed here.

Scene: Trunks then got a lucky swing at her, but was only able to cut off eight strands of her hair.

Android 18: My hair it doesn’t grow back you punk.

Trunks: Allow me to get it out.

Android 18: 17

Scene: Android 17 went for a kick to Trunks legs but missed and then Trunks went for a swing at Android 17 with his sword.

Android 18: Look out 17.

Android 17: I see your point.

Scene: Android 17 held the tip of Trunks sword and while Trunks tried to pull away the sword Android 18 came up to Trunks with an energy ball and put it right in his chest.

Android 18: Hello, Special delivery.

Scene: The beam to Trunks chest didn’t do damage to him, but it shoot him back in the air. Then the two shoot multiple beams at Trunks and all had missed. Unexpectedly Trunks came out of the smoke that formed by the beams and kicked both androids several times and shoot a large energy beam at them both at once.

Trunks: I did it!

Scene: Android 17 and 18 crawl then out of the rubbish and it shocks Trunks.

Android 17: Did what? Did you see 18, what he’d do?

Android 18: Who knows, he did get my clothes dirty. Maybe that’s what he was talking about.

Trunks: What am I up against this is insane.

Scene: Trunks shoots many more beams of energy at them but all miss.

Trunks: I’m spent, that wasn’t such a good idea.

Android 17 and 18’s Echoes: (Echoes are said several times and all together) What’s that matter? We are in the Cemetery. This is your Cemetery. Laughs

Scene: Android 17 comes from behind Trunks through a building and back fist him onto the ground in front of Android 18.

Android 18: Are you ok?

Scene: Android 18 kicks Trunks and Trunks makes a run into a room of the building and Android 17 walks up right behind him again but doesn’t attack yet.

Android 17: (Sarcasm) Where is he?

Scene: Once Android 17 saw Trunks, Trunks runs again and around the corner is Android 18 who is holding a broken piece of glass using it to see around the corner which is where Trunks is.

Android 18: Peek-a-boo I see you.

Scene: Trunks goes through the ceiling to the next high floor, where he finds Android 17 is standing.

Android 17: You could have taken the stairs you know. My gosh human beings, always doing things the hard way.

Scene: Android 18 comes behind Trunks and grabs his shoulder.

Android 18: Hey there, um you’re a mess. We got under skin somehow didn’t we kid. He’s no fun any more. What do you say we just kill him?

Android 17: Sure

Scene: Trunks gets shoved out of the building and lands in a field on his chest. Android 17 and 18 come up to approach him a finish him off.

Android 17: Do you mind if I do the honors.

Android 18: (Shrugs her shoulders)

Android 17: Cool

Scene: Android 17 shoots a beam at trunks which makes him go flying back into a lake/ river.

Android 18: Hmm…

Android 17: Hmm…

Scene: Trunks crawls out of the water hanging on to the bank.

Android 17: Darn him. I give him credit; he’s tougher than I thought.

Scene: Trunks manages to barley stand but not for too long when Android 17 shoots another beam at him which makes him go flying back a ways again but lands face first onto the dirt ground. Then Android 17 walks on up and lifts Trunks head with his foot.

Android 17: Hmm…

Android 18: He’s dead

Scene: Trunks open’s his eyes bleeding from the mouth and tries to continue.

Trunks: Why, I don’t get it; tell me why are you two doing this.

Android 17: Hmm… Dr. Gero created us for the purpose of world domination but that doesn’t really matter to us, not at all.

Android 18: When ever we see humans it angers us. We hate you humans.

Trunks: What you monsters you can’t get away with this.

Scene: Trunks stands up hitting the androids in the face with out hurting them as he is yelling at them as well.

Trunks: All those people and all those children. I won’t let you do this anymore.

Scene: Android 18 kicks Trunks to the floor but ketches hi by the collar before he hits.

Trunks: Ah, no.

Android 18: whoops you almost felled down.

Scene: Android 17 and 18 beat up on him and he is defense less and he can’t even hold his Super Saiyan powers anymore more and his hair turns back to being purple, as he lies on the ground with the Androids standing over them.

Android 17: Look he’s not a natural blonde.

Android 18: Oh a faker huh, I don’t like being deceived. Everyone’s always trying to copy me.

Android 17: Here Say no more, we’ll take care of this little problem right now. How dare you. Be gone.

Android 18: Wait. Let me do this one.

Scene: We see Android 18 making a huge energy ball and makes it head straight at Trunks and the next we know is that Trunks is in a hospital with his mom there in the room.

Bulma: Trunks, I’m here sweetheart. It’s your mommy. Everything’s ok.

Trunks: Mom it’s really you.

Bulma: Of course who else somebody’s got to stay alive to take care of you guys.

Trunks: I’m sorry mom, as always you were right. I shouldn’t have tried to take them on, they were too strong.

Bulma: Your alive you goose. You know that’s all that matters to me right now.

Trunks: Mom, I think I’m ready to take a trip in the time machine if it’s ready.

Bulma: Trunks you don’t even know if you have any arms and legs left under that blanket, but you’re saying you’re ready to pile at the time machine. First things first, ok? Why don’t you just concentrate on heeling up for a couple of weeks and then will worry about giving the antidote to Goku.

Trunks: Gohan’s dad, huh, do you really think he’s that strong, strong enough to make a difference?

Bulma: Oh yes, he can make a difference alright. But it’s not just how strong he is Trunks. Goku has this incredible feeling about him. When you’re with him you just know everything is going to be fine and it always is.

Trunks: Man, sounds good, I can’t believe I’ll get to see Gohan again. I’ll even get to meet my dad and see what he’s like.

Bulma: Yeah well I wouldn’t aspect too much out of your father dear.

Scene: Trunks is about to board the time machine with “Hope!!” written on it.

Bulma: Gosh you don’t know how proud I am of you for doing this. You look so handsome Trunks Brief. I am going to miss you son.

Trunks: I guess this is the antidote for Goku.

Bulma: Do me a favor, don’t drop it.

Trunks: Right, stay out of trouble while I’m gone

Bulma: Sure, you know me.

Trunks: Yeah, that’s why I’m worried.

Scene: Trunks boards the Time Machine

Bulma: Trunks I want you back

Trunks: I love you

Scene: Trunks closes the Time Machine

Bulma: I love you too Trunks

Scene: Trunks lifts off and starts to leave

Bulma: If he only knew much… oh dear… He’s in your hands now Goku

The Credits Clips:

Trunks makes it to the past and defeats Frieza and King Kold. He meets the whole gang and sees his dad for the first time. Goku receives the antidote…the androids are born…. and from there you’ll have to watch the Dragonball Z episodes.

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