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Dasharathraja Shetty's

Students' Resource Depot


Marketing Teacher

Brush up on your marketing knowledge at Marketing Teacher, which provides some very good free online marketing tutorials. Each lesson comes equipped with exercises and answers, and takes 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Introductory, intermediate and advanced marketing topics range from segmentation, targeting and positioning to PEST Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Ansoff's Matrix, the Boston Matrix and Bowman's Strategy Clock, which considers competitive advantage in relation to cost advantage or differentiation advantage. The site also includes marketing PowerPoint slideshows and a good collection of marketing resources.

-these sentences are from the above mentioned link

This page contains a categorised list of all marketing revision notes currently available on tutor2u. New revision notes are added regularly and will be listed here when available.

Marketing Professors. com (Registration required but its free!!!!!)

Email Marketing, Branding ,Marketing Strategy ,Copy & Content ,Service & CRM ,Usability ,Customer Analysis ,Marketing Metrics ,Research Methods, Advertising/PR ,Search Marketing ,Global Marketing ,Selling ,Marketing 101 ,Commentary.

Marketing Mall, a stop for training and information on a wide variety of marketing, public relations and advertising topics. Need to know how to develop a marketing plan? Want some inexpensive promotional ideas or are you interested in marketing and selling on the Internet? You've come to the right place for answers to these questions and many more. An understanding of marketing principles will propel your business forward

-these sentences are from the above mentioned link

Find advice on buying or selling a business, including deal issues, legal issues, contract issues, sample agreements and more.

United States Small Business Administration

Marketing, Marketing Basics Marketing Research Competitive Analysis Marketing Plan Ads and PR Trade Shows e-Marketing Specific Training

"Pricing becomes a science". Financial Times article (10/31/00) by Hermann Simon explains that how a company prices its products and services is increasingly seen as an important strategic tool linked to shareholder value.

BuildingBrands provides online resources to help you successfully manage your brand.

Marketing Article Library-by Concept Marketing Group Inc.

Contains links to hundreds of articles on both traditional and Internet marketing strategies and techniques. It is a comprehensive collection of tips and winning strategies. Each article is written by successful business professionals.

Online version of a Marketing Magazine by spectrum-Business is Marketing (has got variety of articles on marketing)

The Emergence of Advertising in America:

1850 - 1920 (EAA) presents over 9,000 images, with database information, relating to the early history of advertising in the United States. The materials, drawn from the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University, provide a significant and informative perspective on the early evolution of this most ubiquitous feature of modern American business and culture.

American Advertising Museum :

The American Advertising Museum is a major exhibition, research and education center. It houses the industry's most comprehensive collection of advertising and business artifacts, assembled through contributions and loans from advertising agencies, advertisers, media, private collectors and other museums, including the Smithsonian Institution.

Marketing Basics:

A 1993 series of articles provided by Jan Welborn-Nichols, 734-429-2267, Market Arts, Ann Arbor, MI, a provider of marketing services for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Brand :

-Any thing and every thing on branding-papers,debate,directory glossary etc

Marketing Wonk-Various Marketing Related Case studies   :

Marketing Wonk Marketing Articles Archive  :

Articles on Strategic Marketing

Consumer Behavior
Gordon C. Bruner II | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale | March, 1998
Consumption and the success of an organization. External influences of consumer behavior, internal influences of consumer behavior, and the consumer decision process.

Links to articles by

These articles on the website are copyrighted material and may not be reproduced, stored on a computer disk, republished on another website, or distributed in any form without the prior express written permission of

Marketing Plan
It contains headings for the basic essentials including situation analysis, market segmentation, alternatives, recommended strategy and its implications.

Market Segmentation
Introduces to market segmentation and some bases for segmenting consumer markets and business markets.

The Marketing Mix
Explains 4 P's of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion) and a list of some of the decisions to made for each of them with help of a diagram.

The Product Life Cycle
The product life cycle and marketing mix decisions for each stage.

The Product Diffusion Curve
Explains the bell-shaped curve describing product diffusion and the different groups of consumers that can be characterized by the curve.

Al Ries and Jack Trout popularized the concept of product positioning. This is a summary of the ideas put forth in their marketing classic, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind.

Marketing Warfare
A summary of Al Ries and Jack Trout's marketing bestseller "viewing marketing from a military perspective". Principles of offensive, defensive, flanking, and guerrilla marketing strategies are presented.

Market Share
Calculating market share, reasons to increase market share, drivers of market share, and why a firm might not want to increase market share.

Marketing Strategy
Overview of marketing strategy issues, strategic decision making using marketing research results, multi-product resource allocation, product diffusion, and product management strategies.

Marketing Research
Marketing research, including problem definition, research design, data types and sources, sampling plan, data collection, data analysis, and reporting of the results.

Questionnaire Design
Covers the questionnaire design process for the marketing survey, including question structure and wording, response types, question order, and the testing of the questionnaire.

Conjoint Analysis
A brief introduction to conjoint analysis, including how it can improve the accuracy of determining consumer preferences and the steps involved.

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