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My Old Webpage

Thank you for visiting.
Oh yeah
This girl can really dance to the beat.
Please Be Patient
It's a Virtue
Go Baby
I read that somewhere
It"ll be OK
Don't Cry
Even computerized people can dance better than me... LOL
This Page Ain't Dead
Just Undergoing Reconstructive Surgery
I'm typing as fast as I can
Don't look at me like that!
Your Makin Me Nervous
Check out this awesome game: Evochron Alliance
It's the best
Here's a link to the Forum for the game
Check it out
Here's is a pic of one of my custom ships for the game
Here's a link to a preview of their upcomming game
Arvoch Conflict
Find out more about this awesome game from
The creators of Evochron Alliance
You can also
Check out this Game too RuneScape
Now I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with this page
And NO, I'm not gonna post my stripping pics here LOL