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"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -- Arthur Schopenhauer

          Welcome to the Rays of Health home page. Rays of Health is a tranquil setting located in a private home in Las Vegas where one can engage in a variety of health promoting activities including Aromatherapy, Dry Hydro- Massage therapy, and of course, our flagship activity-- Resonant Frequency Therapy (R.F.T.). What exactly is R.F.T.? I'm glad you asked. R.F.T. is a concept pioneered by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, one of the most brilliant scientists and medical inventors of the 20th century. Just as a specific frequency of sound will cause glass to shatter under the correct amplitude, Dr. Rife reasoned that specific frequencies would destroy specific microorganisms. Essentially, each type of parasite and virus has a specific frequency which it, and it alone, is vulnerable to. The frequency that exterminates a particular microbe most efficiently is known as its Mortal Oscillatory Rate (M.O.R.), and exposing a person who suffers from a particular malady to the corresponding M.O.R. can result in extremely healthful benefits. This branch of science, also known as Rife technology, is the root of the research currently being done at Bio-Ray, Inc.

          We mention Bio-Ray, Inc. because we feature the BioRay Sound and Light Generator which is a high-tech device that is computer controlled to generate specific frequencies of light and sound to address many conditions. Sessions are inexpensive, and ostensibly self-administered because you select the program that is right for you. Most importantly, it works!

          Click HERE to read about the advantages of Rife technology vs. traditional antibiotics. Further reading can be obtained by clicking on a 1938 San Diego Tribune article on Dr. Rife's discovery. To actually see a more scientific, in-depth perspective on the effects of R.F.T, click on A Closer Look.

          In addition to the Resonant Frequency Therapy, we offer one of the most relaxing, soothing, and yet invigorating experiences you've ever had, in the form of Dry Hydro-Massage Therapy. The Massage Time Professional is a bed one lies on comfortably, facing up. Imagine, if you will, combining a waterbed and a jacuzzi, and that is what Hydro-Massage Therapy is all about.

          Click on our TESTIMONIALS link and see what people are saying about us....
So what are you waiting for? Make an appointment today and embark on a blissful and healthful journey to total relaxation, restoration, and rejuvenation.

Call (702)341-5996 to schedule an appointment
You owe it to yourself.

The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended and should not be construed as the delivery of medical care or advice, nor do we represent ourselves to be medical practitioners. Persons requiring diagnosis or treatment or whom have questions specific to a single individual are urged to contact their local health care provider for appropriate care.

Angel Healing Center