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News and Updates

News Archive

Oct 2nd, 2023

Hah, we're still here. Always lurking, ready for the day we return.


May 27th, 2015

LONG LIVE R2K! We will one day rise again.


November 15th 2005

For those that havent heard the news, R2K, as a clan, is gone. Most of the clan has already begun the switch I requested, which is a switch to the Blood Knights.
The Blood Knights were a clan started by R2K Kazmaka on his main Pure1Ranger1. His clan was our ally before they died out and he joined us. Now, after careful thought, I have decided to give up the R2K Clan and try to transfer everyone to that clan.
The Blood Knights are again going to be run by Pure1Ranger1. I would like everyone to join. I myself will be joining after I accomplish a few personal goals on runescape first. This is not the end of R2K! When I feel that I have time to get the clan going again, I will revive it. Until then, join the Blood Knights and enjoy yourself.

However, the clan might be run by R2K Jacob. The main reason I am doing this whole thing is because I dont have time to run a clan and accomplish what I wish to accomplish. Its not certain, but instead of transfering the R2K Clan to the Blood Knights, R2K Jacob might take is being thought out currently.

~~R2K Cad~~

November 9th 2005

Ok guys, first of all...IM BACK!

Now to bussiness. You may notice that the forums are down. One or more people have been attempting to create accounts by the name of "MENWHOASSRAPEDR2K" or something to that effect...thousands of these accounts have been attempted to be made(so obviously the names had numbers that followed them). Because of this immature act, the forums have been closed. If whoever has been doing this is reading: why dont you just grow up? It is a pointless thing youre doing. Youre just wasting your life. Anyone who has a problem with this can e-mail .

Now for R2K Bussiness. We will be holding new elections for both council and high council. I am looking for 3 council and 3 high council.

I am going to be breaking the clan up into divisions. Each council member will be in charge of a few members. Council will recieve its orders and news from High Council. So basically, it will be the Council's job to make sure everyone knows what is going on.

No meeting for the next 2 weekends unless someone else can hold them. I have a soccer tournament both weekends...meaning I wont be home. Thats all for now!

~~R2K Cad~~

September 19th 2005

Now, as most of you again noticed, the forums have gone under some major changes, all thanks to dear Duggy (R2K Kazmaka). He has put in some great work to help the clan. Also, R2K Sandro has set up his own shop and mine should be opening within the week.

We did go on a nice pk trip, which was very successful. As many of you might already know, Ian is indeed back..although his ammount involvement in the clan is unknown to me.


~~R2K Cad~~

September 14th 2005

As most of you probably noticed, the forums were down for a while. They are now back up and running, and I will continue to work on a time for our next meeting as we try to get things back up and running. I hope that everyone continues to post in the forums often.

~~R2K Cad~~

September 12th 2005

Well guys, I finally got onto the site for editing. I will be attempting to bring this clan back to life. I know I may have to cancel one or more benefits to the clan though, at least until I get more people to help out here. We will be holding a meeting sometime soon, date and time not yet known though. We will also vote on some new council soon, unless I think of a different way to organize the clan. Due to my heavy school work load, I'll do as much as I can.

~~R2K Cad~~

July 7th 2005

As you can see, it has been quite a while since our last update. This is mainly due to our founder, R2K Iantiger (who worked on the website), along with some other members have left us, or at least, left Runescape; and are currently playing another game called "ROSE", and have made an R2K clan on there. So our clan is expanding to new games, though I'm not sure when, or even if, Ian plans to altar the website to make it work for ROSE and Runescape.

Inactives have been removed from our memberlist. New council members may soon be elected, as our current ones have also ran off to ROSE. This will be decided at the next clan meeting, which will be at either 5pm Saturday or Sunday, depending on what day is best for everyone to be able to turn up (check the forum for a definate time).

~R2K Srab

June 23rd 2005

This week has been pretty big. There is still a large increase in the amount of members who have joined since I last posted, and now there is an Official Weekly Meeting - details are on the forums in the Announcments board. This accompanies the twice weekly Officila PK Trips nicely. This meeting will be used to discuss any key points members may wish to raise, and may occasionally be followed by either a drop party or a recruitment run or both!

I have had to demote R2K Jacob from the Council after recent events - most of which I do not know about, but there is a lot of unrest within the clan so I feel I have no choice. He has been replaced by R2K Russ, who is now running the council as a duo with R2K Xtrazer. Also, due to the recent events, I have demoted R2K Cage onto the Last Chancers list. People on this list are not entitled to any of the clan benefits such as using the Bank, the Reward System, the underhalfpriced shop, etc... If he works hard enough and doesn't put another foot wrong, he can redeem himself, but otherwise R2K Cage will be booted from the clan if he puts another foot wrong

~R2K Iantiger

June 20th 2005

Today I have uploaded another quest guide by R2K Jacob which walks you through the Cook's Assistant quest, so thanks for that man. Recently, we've had an increasing influx of new members, and we now stand at 23 members, 20 of which are proven to be active in some form or another. There are now 2 official pking trips which have been set up - for more details see the forums. A lot has been going on, and it would not have been possible without my fellow High Councillors, thanks guys,

~R2K Iantiger

June 16th 2005

A BIG thanks to R2K Cad for all his efforts to keep the clan going. He is planning to set up a shop exclusive to clan members which offers raw materials for under half the price they sell on the normal player market. For instance, Big Bones will be available for just 15gp each, and you can get uncut diamonds for 400gp a piece. All this and much more - the store will be opening in July/August, go check out the members area of the forums for more details on prices.

Secondly, R2K Cad has implemented a MASSIVE reward system. In doing so, he will be giving out over 500k a month to various clan members for achieving certain things, such as being active and gaining levels on their R2K Characters. For a full list of the rewards available please visit The Rewards Page. I would like to add that we have recently seen a healthy rise in the amount of activity in the clan, and there is a meeting on Saturday, details are on the forums in which we will disucss recruiting more and more members. Soon, we will be big.

~R2K Iantiger

June 10th 2005

Voting is over and the results of the poll for a new High Council member are now in - Congratulations to R2K Kazmaka! By a majority of 5 votes to 2, he is now the latest addition to our High Council. Welcome aboard!

~R2K Iantiger

June 9th 2005

As many of you may or may not know, R2K Chris has left us. However, the good news is that R2K Srab has rejoined the High Council, and is in charge of events. We have 2 new members: R2K Cage and R2K Jacob. Please make them feel as welcome as possible. There is a meeting on the 18th of June which is a Saturday - details are in the Announcements boards on the Forums. Lastly, we have an election for a 4th High Council member following the departure of R2K Chris. Please visit the Official Polls board on the Forums and vote for either R2K Kazmaka or R2K Rams667. Thanks,

~R2K Iantiger

May 19th 2005

R2K Srab has informed me, that he wishes to be removed from the high council for reasons I will not disclose - but fear not he will still remain a member of the clan.

This does NOT mean we are looking for another high council member. Three will suffice for the time being until we decide we need a fourth. Any posts or pms asking to be a High Council member will severely lessen your chance of getting the position.


~R2K Iantiger

May 16th 2005

By posting on these forums, and logging onto your R2K Character regularly, we know you are active. However, if you are not seen to be doing this over the space of some time (around a week), we will have to assume you are inactive and will wipe you from our records including the member's list. So please, for the love of god, don't fall to inactivity.

On a side note, I would like to send out thanks to the High Council. Yesterday's meeting went very well, and we covered many points, following the recruitment run which gained us 2 or 3 more recruits! I would like to send out special thanks to R2K Chris for being the organiser of this meeting, as well as writing up the minutes of the meeting which can be viewed in the "General Discussion" area of the forums. Also, thanks to R2K Chris for the great animated banner that you now see on both the homepage and the forums.

Additionally, I would like to encourage all new recruits to post on the forums, seeing as we picked up 2 or 3 new recruits yesterday! We haven't heard a peep out of you yet, and you are more than welcome to join in the discussions here. I know it's a little overwhelming when you first join a clan, but once you settle in, and get to know the other members, it's a great laugh and I'm sure you'll have many memorable times with us.

All the best,

~R2K Iantiger

May 14th 2005

I have come to a definite agreement on the members of the R2K High Council. Ordinary Council members are not yet required due to the clan being a tad small since a lot of members have left or retired. They will be posted here in due course.

High Council

R2K Iantiger (In Charge Of: Website + Forums) - Founder of R2K clan, main responsiblity of keeping website and forums running. Friendly and helpful, although not particularly active on his R2K character, should be used as a last resort of contact for help.

R2K Chris (In Charge Of: Meetings + Imaging) - Co-Founder of R2K clan, can be helpful, and his best interests are with the R2K clan, he helps out with a lot of the guides on the website, and is good with designing banners and so on. If you need help with anything he is a good person to lend you a hand.

R2K Cad (In Charge Of: Recruits) - One of the clan's oldest members, has earned a respectable high level on his character, and currently holds the position as the best clan member in terms of skill total. He's a very approachable person, and if you need any help with anything, he is an ideal person to seek. Unfortunately he's a keen sportsman and he doesn't get much chance to log on these days.

R2K Srab (In Charge Of: Events) - Another old member of the clan, probably the most active, he is dedicated to the clan, and is an easy-going person who you can talk to. Again, he has a good combat level and when you see him online, he's always up for a laugh, or he can be serious when you need help.

~R2K Iantiger

May 12th 2005

The clan has burst back into life, and for a brand new start, some brand new forums are up and running, so you should check them out by visiting the New R2K Clan Forums. Please sign up to them as your exact clan name, all in lowercase letters. I know you may say I'm being a bit picky, but it does look consistent and I believe that's one of the most important qualities a clan can have (e.g. I've signed up as "r2k iantiger"). Many thanks to the likes of R2K Chris, R2K Cad and R2K Srab for agreeing to help give the clan another shot. At the moment, the main thing is to establish contact with old members, as well as getting as many new members to join as possible. Please, all of you who are reading this, if you are still in contact IN ANY WAY with other old members of the clan, get in touch with them and persuade them to return. This would be great!

All the old procedures still apply, we need new members to create new characters, just as beforehand. When you recruit people to join the clan, please use your judge of character to ensure that they are trustworthy and good, decent, honest people. After that, try and get their AIM address or MSN address and direct them to the clan homepage of Of course you can try to tell them the website address ingame but the Jagex censors make this extremely difficult, plus I believe it is an offence to advertise websites, so you're safer in the long run to befriend the potential clan member, and then ask for their email address.

In the near future, I will be selecting a High Council which will consist of a group of up to 4 or 5 members who will oversee everything in the clan, they will be the clan's "government" and will rule the clan between them. At a later date, when we have more members, a Council will be elected. This group of people is not as powerful as the High Council, but they are the "people's voice" and represent the best members of the clan, as elected by people in elections. Right now though, our priority is to get our numbers up, so I would like everyone to be on the look-out for recruits, or you could dedicate one specific evening to patrolling Runescape scouting for people to join the clan. Good luck!

~R2K Iantiger