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Confucius sayings:
Confucius says Confucius say, "Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails"
Confucius say, "Virginity like bubble; One prick - all gone!"
Confucius says, "Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse."
Confucius says,Man who run in front of car, get tired.
Man who run behind car, get exhausted.
Confucius says, "Man with tool in woman's mouth is not necessarily a dentist."
Confucius says, "Man who farts in church sits in own pew."
Confucius says, "War does not determine who's right. War determine who's left."
"Quiet, you kids! If I hear one more word, Bart doesn't get to watch cartoons and Lisa doesn't get to go to college." -Homer Simpson
"D'oh! English! Who needs that? I'm never going to England." -Homer Simpson
"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." -Tom Wilson
I will make more of these of y'all will read em, email me with your comments
.My hotmail is m c d a d d y 5 5 without the spaces.
This site has a lot of msn messenger stuff on it,also tells some security issues about msn,which is good and bad,also some good programs for msn!good site..
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you can download msn messenger 6.0 here,everyone should have it in my opinion.Custom Emoctions,Display Pictures ,Games.AWesome download!
Here are some kewl symbols for your chat nickname or msn nickname.... (copy paste em into your nickname)i moved the symbols here because they were making my site look messy

this is a site with some stuff for msn messenger but mostly msn chat(full scripts,add-on scripts)
Since i'm never probally gonna put up any good display pictures cause i am a lazy bum.Click this button to get some