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1 Timothy 4:12

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Do not Let Anyone Look Down On You Because You are Young...

...but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.

Hey you guys! It has been like FOREVER since I've upgraded this site! I don't even know of any sevies who read it, but it's here anyway for all you faithful fans! Haha!!

Now just recently we had a feild trip to the maranotha game that wasn't so sucessful! But we won't get into that I'm really sorry for the people who had an awful time! We won't be doing that again unless it's much later on in the year or something.... Maybe...

We've actually had a pretty good time at group! So those of you who have never come I really suggest coming! And for the couple of you who had a bad experiance at group, that is not going to happen again! Please, please come! It's fun and we love to hang out with you guys!

I'm praying for all of you guys!

May God bless you and keep you and make Him face shine up on You!! Have a great day!!