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"Project Writers Unite"
Club Information

Mission Statement/Vision
Our mission is to give a forum to new and established writers, and help them create, develop, and promote their work. It is our goal to bring forth-positive worthwhile works of great literary, dramatic, and/or musical value through a calm, non-threatening, optimistic environment.

The following are the core objectives Project Writers Unite plans to offer its members:
  1. Give writers a place to write.
    There will be time allotted at each meeting for writers to work on whatever project they're working on.

  2. Give writers a place to share the their ideas and collect new ones.
    There will be time allotted at each meeting to let the writers share their ideas for their work with the rest of the group.

  3. Give writers a place to get positive feedback to help develop their work.
    All work in the club will be critiqued using the "Mary Webb: Three Stage Method" a wonderful, well-tested way of giving positive criticism and good feedback to the writer. This feedback can be taken by the writer to help develop their work.

  4. Give writers a place to learn and/or hone their writing skills.
    Through writing exercises and guest speakers, we will dedicate some of our meeting time to helping writer develop the skills to become better writer.

  5. Give writers a place to find help and/or resources to get their work out to the world.
    PWU will put on events so that every writer will have a chance to have their work seen or heard. There will be club-sponsored events (i.e. public readings, mini concerts, or small staged productions), collaborative work with groups from Arts First Oakland (a fine arts organization with links to various theater, dance, singing and arts groups), or through other resources public and private.

These are the basic criteria for membership.
  1. It's free to join. Although there are NO defined fees or dues for this group, we do ask for donations to cover expenses. Any and All donations are voluntary!!!

  2. All writers, at any experience level in any creative writing mediums, are welcome to join.

  3. Although it's not a requirement for membership, it is highly recommended that you write something. (Remember the group is called "Project Writers Unite".)

  4. The PWU is geared to those writing creative works. Works that fall into this category are:
  5. All members will be asked to periodically contribute something to the club that will benefit the group. Some ideas are:
Things To Bring
Here is a list of things that you might want to bring to each meeting:
  • Paper/notebook
  • Pens and/or pencils
  • Laptop and disks (for those who have them)
  • Whatever you are currently working on at the time

    This Is Subject To Revision At Anytime!

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