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Planet Random

This weeks top 10 random songs

Ultra Planet Xtras

Planet Links
Planet News
Planet People
Coming Soon

RANDOM: This page is a very RANDOM page. Which MAY contain hidden MESSAGES! 4-4y4foejfiwne~kEeepwlwfpregr##v-i=$si333tin%1g3okgoemgmreoirultragjriePeingijeorherhplanetgpkhreoh,reomoreherhyjrjrnrgwgwhr Did you notIce any hiddEn messages there? ;););) Sooooooooooo anything else random? We'll see in a couple of days when i come back to edit and expand the entire site which will continue to grow with links on the main page. This random page will get even randomer and weirder soon. Very soon.