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Check these Out:

Pictures(not up)
Class List
England Trip (Under Construction)

Leslee's Page

Welcome to my site. Its about me, my interests and features by best friends. If you dont like it, don't complain, im whipping this off at 3am because im bored and on a caffine high. As you can see, I suck at web design and im too lazy to learn and do something good, so, if you think your too good to be here because your web skills are FAR superior to mine, then leave. The other percent of you who appreciate my labor (or lack of) you are welcome to venture on further.

Got rid of the friends section. I felt like it was such a small list and all my buddies know who they are and DONT need recognition on this crappy page. Btw, i will have pictures of my friends in the pictures section, when I get a chance to take more photos of you and when I can get my hands on my sisters scanner. Thx

K, no more Rant cuz I felt like I was complainign to much which is a BAD thing so I closed it. IMPORTANT: IF ANYONE HAS A LIVEJOURNAL ( PLEEEEASE REFER ME SO I DONT HAVE TO PAY! IM CHEEP AND FREE SERVICES ROCK! THX.

wow i havent been on this website for so long! im so sorry to all of you who have come here lookin for new stuff and have found yet again, nothing. well ill be doing some major updates an stuff like that over the next while because i feel bad that im neglecting my faithfull followers.

Wow, I havent updated in like soo long! ive been enjoying my summer too much. lol, well ill probably get back to more updates when school gets back in cuz im goin to camp and stuff next week. I have got my new school schedule(sp?) and updated that page so check that out... humm... well I guess thats it and the friends page is ongoing so dont feel bummed i havent got to you yet.

OMG! I just got back from England and Wales yesterday! It was soo amazing, I had an awesome time. I will probably make a page soon featuring pictures and little tidbits of my trip. Check back later.

YAY! Summers here! Probaly less updates due to trips and other fun stuff! but ill keep you posted!

I got the new Harry Potter book today....come to think of it, that book was also uber-kinkie. Dont get me wrong I liked it but... Harry was such a prick in this book.

Started the classes, friends and hotties pages. check them out!

New Rant, Check it out.

C'mon, who else thought the MTV Movie Awards where uber-kinkie? I mean that whole comic book theme... and Justin Timberlake, dare I say more?

Ive updated the links section. The picture section may be down for a while... i have to find some good ones to put in there. Thank you

Hahaha Neways, I just updated the 'Rant'. There is now and official 'rant' in there. Please read it, if you have any comments send me an e-mail Thank You