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Welcome to Pigeon Hunt. I think it's pretty clear from the name what this is about, but let's discuss it a bit. Firstly, take a look at this:

How do you feel when you look at it? Disgusted? Enraged? An uncontrollable urge to try and kick it?! If the answer to any of these was yes, then good. If you answered no, you might wanna leave now.

So what's the deal? We despise pigeons. They are rats with wings, they scavenge, poop everywhere, get in your way when you walk, fly real low over your head and make you think they're gonna poop on your head...and the walk...the incessant head-bobbing aided walk.*shudder* And since you're still here, we're assuming you feel the same way.

So the plan is, we go and chase pigeons, and take photos. OK so it might sound lame to you, but we think it's funny. And as much as we hate pigeons, killing or actually harming pigeons is not funny, it's just mean. Mock them, chase them, but don't actually kick or hurt them.

There's not actually anything here yet, but hopefully in the next few weeks our pigeon hunting team will be able to get some decent pics, and if anyone actually reads this, feel free to send in anything anti-pigeon!

Happy Pigeon Hunting!